Friday, June 14, 2019

Happy Friday!  How was your week?  I’m linking up with Andrea, etc. for their weekly Friday link up where everyone shares their favorites from the week.  It’s a fun and happy post and I always love reading others’ favorites.  Go here to check out more posts and maybe find new blogs to follow.  Also, if you are new here to my little ol’ blog, welcome and I hope you will become a regular reader!

So, my last teacher work day was this past Monday and then I did a half day workshop on Tuesday.  Wednesday was my twin boys’ wisdom teeth surgery and yesterday they were still recovering.  Whew!  So, I’m still exhausted and I’m not in any sort of summer routine yet.  

But, my first favorite is NOT SETTING AN ALARM!  

My second favorite is the photo below.  Hydrangeas are my favorite flower and this bush(?) came from my childhood home.  My Dad dug it up and gave it to me when he and my mom moved from that home 13 years ago.  This bush didn’t bloom last spring for some reason so I was really praying that it would bloom again this year and it is starting to!  Because we lost my Dad in December it was really important to me to keep this baby alive and make sure it bloomed.  Thank you, Dad!  

My third favorite is summer reading!  I have been in a real reading rut this year so far so it was so nice to pick up a book that I couldn’t put down.  I read it in the first two days of summer.  

My fourth favorite was this quote I saw on Instagram.  Love it!  


My fifth favorite was when I went into Target last weekend and used all of my willpower.  This display was made for me.  Fiesta themed plates, cups with Spanish related quotes, margarita mix, cactus lime juicers.  Oh. my. gosh.  

I also loved this mug that says “the boss” in Spanish.  

They also had all kinds of cups you could slap a monogram sticker on.  Visit Heather at My Glittery Heart to order monogram stickers.  They just make everything better!  

My sixth favorite was found at Trader Joe’s.  I really like their beauty products.  This hair serum helps with summer hair problems and was less than $4.  

Have you heard that McDonald’s has four menu items right now from around the world?  They have favorites from other countries.  My student sent me this picture of his Stroopwaffel McFlurry from the Netherlands and he said it’s really good.   So, this is bound to be my next favorite. He sent me this email to thank me because on the last day of our class, McD’s was running a promo where if you brought in a coin from any other country, you got one of the four items for that coin even if it was only worth 1 cent!  I gave each student a coin so they could do it. img_7213

What are you up to this weekend?  Tonight we are celebrating my niece’s high school graduation. img_7217.png

I’m hoping to finish this cute little book so I can move on to another good book from the library!  

I’m hoping my boys can move on to solid foods!  I have had these “cafeteria trays” for a long time and I think they are hilarious.  I have had a dinner party with school food themed foods before.  

We are also hoping to go see Men in Black and take the boat out this weekend.  

Thanks for reading and if you missed my posts this week I have a few you may be interested in:

Go here for a meal idea and a recipe!

Go here for what I wore and my search for a summer clog!

Go here for my summer to do list!  

Happy weekend!



20 thoughts on “Friday Favorites

  1. I just finished Where the Crawdads Sing yesterday! I thought it was pretty good. I planted a blue hydrangea 16 years ago when we moved here and it has never bloomed again since that first summer; I was so bummed since they are my favorite flower and remind me of my grandmother who had tons of them surrounding her house.


    1. It wasn’t the best book I’ve ever read but I would recommend it. I wonder why your hydrangea never bloomed. Do you think it’s too cold there or it has too much shade? They are beautiful dried, too. Maybe you can try again? Mine are that beautiful periwinkle color and I heard the color depends on your soil. Right now they are pretty light and haven’t fully developed that color. Happy Friday!


    1. It was good! I don’t know if I liked the ending though. It was a bit abrupt. You have a wonderful weekend too!


  2. I recently read Where the Crawdad Sings and enjoyed it. And I’ve heard good things about The Accidental Beauty Queen as well. The closest McDonald’s to me is currently closed for renovations. However, the menu items from other countries totally intrigues me! May have to check this out. I have not had a Target trip in awhile…..they never go well! LOL!! Have a great weekend! Stopping by from Friday Favorites!


    1. Hi Nancy! Crawdad was good and now I’m reading a lighter cute novel for a change of pace. It’s kind of like a Hallmark movie in novel form! Sorry about your McDonalds. I don’t go often but I would be sad if it weren’t there. I rarely go in Target because it’s dangerous! Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for commenting! Checking out your blog now!


  3. Oh all that stuff at Target was made for you – congrats on bypassing it! Hydrangeas are one of my faves too – I have artificial ones in the house. I tried growing them here but it’s too darn hot. Those cafeteria trays are too funny. Hope you have a great weekend!


    1. I know! I was proud of myself! Maybe I can catch some when it goes on sale. I’m so happy about my hydrangea and I’m sorry it’s too hot there. Trader Joe’s has a good price on them when they are in season here. I’m realizing I’m not a great nurse! You have a great weekend, too!


  4. I did not know the hydrangea was your favorite flower. It is one of mine two – I have two bushes that are going crazy right now. How special that your hyrdrangea bush came from your dad. Have a great weekend. Hope the boys are feeling better soon.


    1. Yes it is! I’m not into gardening but I appreciate beautiful flowers and plants. It is not the dark periwinkle it used to be but maybe it will turn? What color are yours? Hope you have a great weekend, too!


  5. I love hydrangeas! I want to plant one terribly, but things tend to die in the soil around my house, so I’m a little afraid.

    BTW, are you going to the creek tomorrow?


    1. You should go for it if you can find a good price!
      Not going this year but Molly is and I know she would love to see you.


  6. Wow, what a week you’ve had! I had my last workday yesterday (we’re moving the school and have been packing for one week, tedious…..!) and now it’s time for some holiday! I received a blue hydrangea from a student and I put it in the ground at the cabin, I hope it will survive! My colleagues told me it can never ever survive the winter, so I guess I have to dig it up again when fall arrives…
    Oh, Target… We have nice stores over here too, but Target is a dream! Isn’t it strange that everyone seems to love Target!? Well, next time I comment I will be in the New world, and I might ask you about the settings on the oven – I just don’t get it! 😀


    1. Sounds like you’ve had quite a week, too! Packing and moving is not fun. Could you keep the hydrangea in a pot at the cabin and take it indoors at your home when it gets cool? Target is the best. Yes – text me any time with questions! I’m excited for you! I hope you have great weather!


      1. Of course I should have kept the hydrangea in a pot! But I had this idea of it turning into a big bush full of flowers… In Sweden we have a fantastic bush called rhododendron; it has beautiful flowers and survives everything – do you have it too?
        Weather is unfortunately bad – tropical rain all over! Yeah, I’m here!


      2. I would want a bush, too. Yes, I have rhododendron in my yard! Yes, we have lots of rain! It’s making everything green but I’m tired of rain. We had really nice weather when my boys had surgery but I had to stay in with them more than normal.
        Yay for Florida! Enjoy!


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