Monday, April 29. 2024

It’s Monday and that means link up day with Holly and Sarah!


Let’s go back to Thursday evening because I usually finish my Friday post Thursday morning, so this didn’t make my Friday Favorites!

We took Eddie Otis to Waldo’s Chicken and Beer and he slept in our friends’ arms the whole dinner! They fought over him, to be clear. We told them we promised he was an active puppy most of the day!

Models leaving the dinner:

Like father like son. Tom was wearing his Barbour jacket from England and we thought it looked like an ad. No, it was not that cold, but Tom apparently thought it was.

Friday I had to be on stage for senior awards day.

I got a Class of 2024 cookie!

For dinner I made breakfast foods and we went to bed early. Both of us were worn out. Can we please go to a 4 day work week?

Saturday morning Tom went hiking with a friend and I single puppy mommed it from 8-4. We spent a lot of time on the upper and lower patios.

I was even able to read during morning nap!

My latest press on mani lasted 8 days:

I was so tired I couldn’t count, but it was 8 days.

Later in the day I went to Trader Joe’s, the library, and to use my last spray tan of the month,

I got this:

Tin-Tin (my Swedish blog reader and friend), this book is so cool! I can imagine you going to all of these places.

I was able to read while EO napped and it was wonderful.

Daddy came home and EO needed a bath:

Another night, another patio for EO.

We went to Limestone Yacht Club where the nice owner brought him his first big boy dog bowl of really cool square ice. He thought it was his job to get all the ice out of the bowl.

This guy has now doubled in size in just 3 weeks. Tom took this picture after dinner and he just looks so big!

And, yesterday for Sunday Funday, we went to the opening of the afternoon farmer’s market.

We had some friends come and meet EO and we sat and talked for a bit. Tom and Eddie Otis got really tired.

On the way home we picked up our Kroger order and then Tom got some tv time and I got some patio reading time while this guy kept on napping.

We had a really lovely weather weekend – 80s! It was a really nice one.

What about you?


35 thoughts on “Hello Monday

  1. We had a great weather this weekend too and enjoyed outside time. I am going to miss this weather so much, honestly my favorite time of the year weather wise.

    Glad you had some time to read during EO’s naps. I am hoping a new book arrives from my library!

    Happy Monday!



    Liked by 1 person

    1. We did! Eddie Otis sure made his rounds this weekend. I know – it’s the perfect time for four day weeks. We actually have 2 for the kids in May and one for teachers – we have a teacher day on primary election day this year.


  2. EO is getting so big! The Swedish book looks so interesting, I love their simple decorating styles. I’ve been into all things Swedish at the moment ever since I started binge-watching a Swedish show called Bonus Family. I’ve downloaded Duolingo and I’m trying to learn the language. So far I can say thank you haha!


    1. He is! I do, too. This book was fun to look at. Haven’t heard of Bonus Family, but will look. I am attracted to that natural minimalist style right now.


  3. That’s such a perfect weekend! I’m glad your reading slumped has stopped. I’ve been on a roll this year; the books I’m reading are so good that I have trouble finding new ones after the great ones. I love the pics of EO napping! Puppy snuggles/naps are the very best. I love the sweet little sounds and sighs they make while they’re falling to sleep.


  4. I can tell EO has grown! He looks alot bigger in several of those pictures. He’s kust the cutest! ❤️ We spent most of Sat at my sister in laws’s house where my husband was trying to diagnose a leak in her Airstream. Never found the issue. Then she inherited a nice gas powered golf cart that won’t start. Never found the issue with that either! We weren’t much help 😂


  5. Your puppy is so precious! We have a ‘little brown dog’…he just turned 9 and he’s a Boykin Spaniel and only sometimes still naughty. I hopped over from the Hello Monday link up today…have a great week!


  6. I cannot believe how EO is growing! He is going to be really big! I love how your husband cradles him. I wish mine was a dog guy! One of the school systems down here is going to a four day week next school year. I think the school day is lengthened to get in enough time. I don’t know if that would be a good thing or not! Love your press on nails. What brand are they? I know you’ve said before, but I forget. 

    Have a fabulous rest of the week!


    1. I know! We think so! Tom is so cute with him and just so happy. I think I might like a four day week. Impress online has a better selection. I like petite or short length. With petite, I simply file a bit and they are perfect.


  7. What a sweet little guy! And Tom cracks me up. At least he’s embraced being photographed for the blog!

    (I will trade you one two year old for one puppy for a week)

    We had a nasty storm-filled weekend so we didn’t do anything. A 4 day school week would be the dream!


    1. Thank you! I don’t know if I would say embraced. I swear he does smile sometimes in real life.
      Oh gosh – I may take that trade. We have just had two really bad nights. I’m so tired I feel dizzy. I’m not trying to one up Tom but I really can’t do my job this tired. We can’t figure out his issue. He runs hot so that might be it.
      I am almost ready for a day that gives me permission to stay inside and do nothing.
      Wouldn’t that be a dream? They would still make us come in on the 5th day to do some bs!


  8. Well hello! The sweetest puppy pictures AND my name mentioned in one post! You made my day!! 😀 ❤

    I love the Barbour jackets! I have two and my husband have three… Perfect for Swedish temperatures! But right now it’s spring and I’m so HAPPY! I’m at the cabin, working outside in cut offs, preparing the boat… Bliss!


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