Thursday Thoughts

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Hello last day of February!  It’s hard to believe that tomorrow it will be March.  We have some snow expected this weekend so maybe it will “come in like a lion and go out like a lamb” this year.  

I am considering starting a new series on Thursdays in conjunction with my “Thursday Thoughts” where I give my thoughts on different stores.  So, let’s try this out today!

I am still very much an in person shopper.  I do order online, but I prefer to order from retailers that I have in town and can easily make returns to.  

Do you have a Stein Mart?  If so, do you shop there?  It may seem to have a bit of an older person vibe, but I think it’s worth checking out.  

Stein Mart is similar in theory to TJ Maxx, Marshall’s, and Ross.  I find Steinmart to be way easier to shop than those three stores.  Stein Mart is very well organized.  It’s much easier to find things.  They have men’s and women’s clothing, shoes, and accessories.  I would say they have department store brands and quality, but at a lower price, so very similar to the idea of the other three stores.  Their prices may not be as low as TJ Maxx, Marshall’s, and Ross, though, but I think they may have some higher end brands.  I prefer Stein Mart to the other three because of organization, mainly. My closest TJ’s is pretty small.  I don’t have a Marshall’s very close, and Ross is messy and only half full?  It’s weird. 

I took myself to Stein Mart recently and picked up this pretty spring top for $25.  The material feels like butter and it has cute button and a cute seam in the back.  

And, I already wore it!  

One of my favorite tops came from Stein Mart.  Back in the fall, I found this and when I got to the register and it was an additional amount off so it only cost $20.  I can’t wait to be able to wear this soon!  It has a fall vibe, but I also think I can wear it in the spring.  It’s kind of like a poncho blouse.  


In the summer, I visited the petite section for pants in the correct length:  these were around $25.  I can’t wait to wear these soon!  


I feel like their clothes are unique and you won’t see them on everyone, too.  

So, if you have a Stein Mart, let me know what you think! Have you bought any new spring clothing?  

Side note:  I usually add to my next season’s wardrobe slowly and that’s why I look around a lot starting at about this time of year.  It’s kind of a hobby for me, too.  I like to window shop! I come out empty handed more often than not.  I tracked clothing expenditures for several years and had a monthly allowance that I gave myself.  Each year my biggest spending months were March and September.  That didn’t surprise me as I always wanted a little update.  

Check out my post on spring inventory here!

Thanks for reading!



9 thoughts on “Thursday Thoughts – Steinmart

  1. My mom enjoys Steinmart, I’ve gone with her but haven’t found anything. I like their home section. I try to avoid Ross – except their home section but the clothing is so messy. TJMaxx is my favorite all around!


    1. I think there might be some discrepancy in stores like this. I think you would like my Steinmart! They even have Free People. I could go to the bigger TJ Maxx in my city but it’s kind of out of the way. It’s always a treasure hunt at this type of store and one has to be in the mood!


  2. I like Steinmart! I always find a lot of cute tops, dresses and have purchased several handbags there too. Their prices are good and the clothes are a good quality. I have things from there that I’ve had for years. My husband has gotten several of his suits there as well.


  3. I have found some great items at Steinmart for Christmas gifts- they have good Black Friday sales for blankets, dishes, little gifts like that. Clothing for me is hit or miss but I do enjoy browsing!


  4. I really like these kinds of posts about where you shop and what you find. I went in Versona because of your recommendation and loved it!


    1. Awww Laura, thank you! I’m planning on doing more of these! I get the best recommendations from other people and really value others’ advice!
      I’m so glad you liked Versona!


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