Tuesday, June 19, 2018

a simple picnic lunch in our back yard years ago

So, sadly I’m past this stage, but I remember the long summer days of trying to keep my kids entertained while not breaking the bank.  I had to be conscious to not go crazy spending money in the summer.  

You really do need to plan/pencil things in at least the week before in my opinion, especially when planning with other families.  I also tried not to run too many errands with my kids.  One of the best investments I made was a weekly babysitter for about 3 hours for me to knock things off of my list.  This made for a much happier Mom and kids!  I would usually alternate an outing day with a day at home.  I like balance and I like giving my kids plenty of time to just be at home.

The boys’ cousins came over once a week every summer

When mine gave up their naps, we still had quiet reading time.  I also kept a pretty good structure/schedule in the summer.  

-Invite another mom and kids over for water play in the yard.  Sprinkler, baby pool, water guns, sidewalk chalk are all cheap and fun to have around.

Waterplay with cousins

-Meet another mom and kids at a splash pad, city park, or a school playground

-Try to visit as many school playgrounds as you can

-Try to visit as many parks as you can


-Library’s events/activities

-Open gym at gymnastics place.  We never took gymnastics lessons, but you better believe we did their open gym from 2-5 as much as possible.  

-Summer movie clubhouse at your theater.

-Have another mom’s kids over for 2 hours while she runs errands and vice versa

-Join a pool or just pay as you go.  The baby pool was such a social thing for me.  I talked to other moms and the kids played with each other’s toys

-Try to do some local hikes

zoo – It’s a great idea to ask for a yearly pass for your kids’ birthday gifts

-museums- Maybe they offer a discount day?

-Play car wash and wash all the riding toys that are kept outside.

-Have kids write and act in a play

-Have the kids hold a talent show for the neighbors

-Do Science experiments that you find online

-Have kids plan and make a meal

Lay out an older forgotten toy for them to see first thing in the morning.  This worked like a charm for me!  

-Make a craft or a t-shirt

Iron on monster t-shirts the boys made


Listen to my podcast from last week where I talk about summer with my friend!

What ideas do you have for other moms or dads?  Leave any in the comments that might help someone out!  

Thanks for stopping by today!


8 thoughts on “Tuesday Tip – How to Enjoy Summer with your Kids on a Budget!

  1. Sadly I am past this stage too but it brings back good memories. We always loved the library’s story time and then crafts at a local craft store. We also loved our neighborhood pool before we got one of our own. Summers were always fun and I look back at that time so fondly now.
    Now I have one son off at school and the other getting ready to go – he works and spends his days off out with friends. Time really needs to slow down!


    1. I know! I was reminiscing as I looked for pictures. My summers were a treasure for me and I hope they remember me as a fun mom! I love so much about this stage, but I do miss my little boys!


  2. These are great ideas and I’m reminiscing on what my brother and I did with my mom. I remember reading library books and if we read so many, we earned a trip to go get ice cream! Us kids also wrote a play and made “flyers” so the neighbors would know they were invited. Have a great day! – Shannon @slayitagainshan.com


    1. What great memories! I hope my boys will remember our summers fondly, too! Summer is such a good time for creativity. It’s so hot here and I’m sure it is for you, too. Stay cool!


  3. I love this list of ideas. It can be really easy to spend lots of money during the summer with lunches, movies, activities, but it can also be easy to find cheap things too. I love how you would alternate days. My kids want to be home more and are much more independent at home as well. I am loving this stage! Great list and ideas! Also, I love the pictures.


    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! Yes, enjoy this stage while it lasts. Now I am driving mine to work and friends’ houses. I had to be careful or I could spend $200 a week with activities and food! Have a great day!


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