Friday Faves

Friday, May 17, 2024

OMG! It’s Friday! I am happy to link up with Andrea and Erika for this fun link up!

My AP Spanish exam was yesterday! I am so happy to be done! My seniors were done. done. Alas, it’s been a year so I don’t really blame them. I think everyone felt the crazy of this year deep in their bones. We started school August 9th only to go home and not start again until August 21st due to our bussing fiasco. We also had a new bell schedule this year and the addition of metal detectors. It felt like a lot!

But, today is my last day with these seniors and the seniors in my other classes. I will really miss them! They have all next week to do activities, but they just check into first period so they aren’t really in class anymore.

Let’s talk about some faves from the week. It’s definitely a hodge podge!

This dressing is a fave of the whole family. We are trying to eat more salads and we had one with this one this week. I found mine at Kroger.

We found Eddie Otis chilling in the dog wash one evening when we couldn’t find him. We figured out he is attracted to the cool tile. Guess what he never lays on – his two dog beds!

Who you lookin’ at?


Erica and I are also doing more salads for lunch. Monday I did my strawberry salad:

lettuce, grilled chicken, goat cheese or feta, sunflower seeds, strawberries, and Brianna’s vinaigrette.

One dinner and one lunch was ground turkey yum yum bowls. I loosely used Carolina Charm’s recipe.

Erica made a great white lasagna soup. Will have to get her recipe. She used Barilla Protein noodles!

This week’s mani is a blue French and it matches my pedi. My pedi is Essie Ripple Effect. I own it and took it to the salon.

Tom got me Costco flowers that I am enjoying! I needed two vessels there were so many!

I picked up this fun half cookie half brownie cake at Kroger for grad. We’ve all enjoyed some of it this week!

Another week, another Chobani creamer. I didn’t like this one as much as hazelnut. Hazelnut and Cookie Dough remain my faves.

I made the double chocolate croissants from Trader Joe’s last weekend. Yum!

I actually had a chance to drink some coffee on the patio on a rainy morning this week!

Tom surprised me one night this week with these cool lights that Steak and Bourbon has.

He found a knock off on Amazon. I think they are super cool! They have two levels of light and you just touch to turn on. It’s from his Amazon account so I don’t have a link right now.

I offered temporary tatoos for AP to get in the zone for the exam. One arm model:

Eddie Otis got to use Ernie’s old baby pool this week and loved it!

Who me?

And, I only wish Tom looked at me like this. I think someone is in love.

Do you have a favorite from the week? I hope you had many!


Fashion Files

Thursday, May 16, 2024

It’s already Thursday! This week has flown. I am in my second to last week of school for students. I do have to go back after Memorial Day. Things are really winding down. The goal has been comfy but still trying to wear unique/different outfits without repeating. It’s showing me just how many clothes I really have. I haven’t had time to shop! Seriously! When has this ever happened?

I am happy to link up with Kellyann and Jill for Fashion Files, so let’s go!

I got a lot of compliments on this last Thursday. I feel that it is meh. I also didn’t button the tiny back of neck button because the last time I did with another blouse that I have donated, I lost a chunk of hair. My hair got so tangled up around the button that Tom had to perform a procedure to get me loose. I offered him my hair but he declined. Bald jokes are fun! You’re welcome for the puppy butt shot.

The next day I was super casual and I wore jeans, slim gold flip flops, and my ON oversized top. I’m holding Eddie Otis to show you how big he has gotten.

I was off the next day and got to do lunch with my college kids who were almost graduates! Mason got in my shot! I wore my Dillard’s Westbound jeans, my TJ Maxx blouse, and my newish Beach sandals.

Graduation Day! I did look for a new dress, but I had some options and ended up choosing the black gauzy and brought a cardigan if needed. I fancied it up with my bee clutch

and my champagne earrings.

The next day I put the same outfit on for pics!

Monday to school I wore last year’s Walmart dress with a consignment cardigan. I have on pineapple earrings. I was finally feeling that the end was in sight so the tropical and pineapples made sense!

Tuesday I wore granny’s nightgown which is another dress from Walmart last year. I added the Carly Jean kimono over it. I wore my Amazon two strap wheezing sandals. Only Jen will get that! They “wheeze” when you walk. You know how many people whistle while they work? These wheeze while you walk. I’m here all week folks. Oh yeah, remember when I said I was only posting three times a week? Does anyone really believe me anymore when I say that! I can’t quit you. I just can’t.

And, for our finale, I put out Malibu beach vibes yesterday with my “50 shades of blue”. I have blue pants, blue tee, blue nails, blue toenails, and a blue heart that I had to go to work.

Someone else felt blue, too.

And, that’s my week – or the days I remembered to snap!

Do you have any favorites? Any you hate? I’m a little too fragile for that second question.

What have you been putting on your body? I really want my friend Dan to answer this question! Ha!


Tom’s Style/Father’s Day Idea

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Tom really loves a brand that you may not have heard of. He wears it almost exclusively in the spring and summer. Have you heard of Free Fly?

Here he is wearing their polo style shirt and the light jacket:

He loves these “hoodie” tops:

From the most recent catalog we received:

Some of it is made from bamboo and it’s a really nice fabric. Tom wears it to work and on the weekends. If your hub or the men in your life shop for their clothing at Costco, you might want to check this brand out. Just kidding! You can find some great things at Costco!

I think Tom has had many of his Free Fly items for five years and it’s still like new.


Hello Monday on a Tuesday

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Whew! The past few days have been a whirlwind! The end of the school year seems like it takes forever – part of that is that as a Spanish teacher I teach 9th-12th grades and different grades are pulled for testing (mandatory state and AP), so I rarely have a full class in May! But it’s also a fun time because we can chat and be a bit more casual. They have independent work and a project to be working on when they are in class. We are for sure wrapping up!

Friday night the whole family – including Eddie Otis went to the nature center to see the play Mason has been a part of. It was really cute. Eddie Otis was really good, too. The setting was really pretty and the weather was great!

Mason below on the right:

Eddie Otis let me sleep in a bit on Saturday. He has to be lifted out of bed. He is quite the diva. He is pretty patient, though. He lets me go to the bathroom and put my robe and shoes on and then I pick him up. Sunday Tom did the morning duties.

So, college graduation was Saturday at 2:00 and it wasn’t exactly as I had hoped. This happens often as parents and often as parents of older kids, I think. We kind of have to roll with it. Jack had to leave the house at 8:00 and sing in both the graduate ceremony at 10 before the undergrad ceremony. So, we drove with Mason and we never got to get photos or both of them together beforehand.

Mason and Tom walking in:

Another thing was that they didn’t get to graduate at their college, Bellarmine University. It was held at the fair and expo center Freedom Hall. So, it was sad not to be on campus. I also didn’t get to take a photo of Mason with his roommate who graduated, too.

It was long! And, then Mason had to be at the play at 5:30 and didn’t even have time to eat at a restaurant. So, that was not what I had imagined, either. We got him DQ drive thru and then Jack, Tom, and I ate at a mediterranean place that Jack chose.

Jack had two friends over and they did s’mores and enjoyed the patio, so that was nice. Mason finally got home around 10 from the play.

So, mamas, we don’t always get to design these events the way we would like. My kids didn’t get a 2020 high school graduation, so this was their first. And, as a twin mom you feel like you only get one shot at these special moments. I couldn’t be prouder, and they both grew so much in their four years. So, I guess I am being real with you all. Those social media photos probably have a not so picture-perfect story behind them most of the time and I try to remember that.

On Sunday, they agreed to don their attire again and Tom and I also wore the same thing. as we wore on Saturday! We did some backyard photos because we didn’t have time to go to campus, but they have promised me would do that soon. I called it all I wanted for Mother’s Day.

Those will have to do for now. I may do a separate post with more information, but neither of them like a lot of attention.

Jack graduated cum laude, which was also a nice surprise. The pink cord was for music. Mason’s cords were for theatre and a theatre organization.

I picked up this vial of holy water from the campus chapel at the beginning of their freshman year and kept it with me since then. I think I lost some of the holy water along the way. What else in my purse became holy in the last four years?

I let them pick the Mother’s Day lunch because it turned into a graduation celebration, too. They picked the butter candle place!

Mason finished up the play Sunday night and it really filled his cup. His castmates all signed a grad card and got him cupcakes, too, so I know he was so touched.

It was a big weekend! I am a mom of college graduates! How did that happen? They are just starting to apply for jobs and will probably work whatever part time job this summer. I’m ok with that. I had my big girl job one month or less after graduating and I never got off that train. I’m still on that train. So, I think it’s ok that they are figuring it out right now.

It also has made me think of my college graduation, the summer after college graduation, and my first apartment and teaching job. That girl on the left had no idea what she was in for. And, that girl on the right is still one of my biggest supporters. We just got off the phone a bit ago. She always remembers the big moments in my life and texts or calls.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Tell me something about yours or your graduation celebrations!


Share our lives

Monday, May 13, 2024

I will tell you about the weekend; don’t worry! I have two college graduates! And it was Mother’s Day this weekend – and Mason was in a play that ran from Thursday to last night – Whew! It was a full one! But today I am joining the Share Our Lives ladies here for this month’s topic…

5 favorite and 5 least favorite foods


If you a regular reader you know that I love and appreciate good food. The older I get the more bougie my food tastes get, I think. But this is also a good thing because I am not willing to waste calories on mediocre food or foods I don’t love. I think had I answered this question even 5 years ago I would have said more sweet things in my first list, but I think I have changed.

Top 5:

  1. Potatoes
  2. Good bread – bad bread doesn’t tempt me. I won’t touch a bread basket if I am in danger of losing a tooth.
  3. Cheese
  4. Eggs in most any form, but I don’t want a runny yolk
  5. Good salads and mediterranean are one of my favorites. I like all salads, though. Just don’t put nuts or pine nuts in it. I like salads that involve most all vegetables and fruit combos, too, like spinach and mandarin oranges. I love vegetables both cooked and raw.

Bottom 5:

  1. Nuts! I have never liked nuts. Put nuts in your baked goods and then I will not touch them. I do love peanuts and pistachios. I hate pine nuts, too.

2. lima beans and peas – nope! I taught my sisters how to pretend to eat your peas but actually put them in your napkin.

3. Lamb, duck, scallops – I don’t know. Just don’t like them. Oh, or squid or octopus. Yes, I have tried them. Not a fan. I could honestly do without lots of the meat family.

4. Green peppers – too harsh. I don’t really like red or yellow, either, but they seem more palatable.

5. Olives – neither color appeal to me. Green are too briny and black have no taste but bad texture. I do like dill pickles, though, so you would think I would like green olives. I don’t like capers, either.

I couldn’t even make myself find pictures of the things I hate.

That was fun! Do you agree or disagree with me on any of these foods?


Friday Favorites

Friday, May 10. 2024

It’s finally Friday and I am happy to link up with Andrea and Erika!

I had a really relaxing weekend last weekend and I wanted to show you a favorite from my happy place – my backyard and my two patios. I normally have this chair folded on my upper patio, but I brought it out to the yard on Sunday and it was divine. Here is mine if you are looking for a gift for yourself or for Father’s Day.

The sun coming through the trees is another favorite from the weekend!

Andrea made popovers recently and shared and I remembered that I had been on a popover journey a few years ago. I already had the pan and I thought it would go well with my Monday night dinner. I used an easier recipe than Andrea’s – less ingredients.

I sometimes forget how good and easy wraps are. I had a lunch alone when Erica was out this week.

I’m still plugging along on this cute book. I really want to get more in this series but they aren’t at my library. Every summer I do give myself some summer gifts for making it through another school year – lol. Maybe this will be my treat?

My high school friend and the author of Host It Notes, Beth, came over to meet EO and brought him a margarita! He loved it!

We had some photogenic moments this week…

We have a school playground behind our house and that is where our dogs get to walk. Tom taught EO to go down the slide!

I was listening to Mid Life Matters podcast which I believe Tanya recommended and they talked about an easy scone recipe.

I had all the ingredients so I thought why not? I would like to try a savory version with cheese next time maybe?

425 for 8-10 minutes

Mix one cup self-rising flour with a bit less than one cup heavy cream. Make it a crumbly texture. Add in the chocolate chips. Make the dough into a circle and flatten (I didn’t even need a rolling pin) and then cut like a pizza with your pizza cutter but separate the 8 triangles so they can bake.

They aren’t super sweet but I will definitely make them again!

What were your favorites this week?

I hope you had many!


Fashion Files

Thursday, May 9, 2024

It’s Thursday and I am linking up with Kellyann and Jill. You haven’t seen me since Monday and that’s because I am giving myself grace for the rest of May unless I get inspired or see a link up I want to join. I’m sure that will end up happening, but I don’t feel any pressure.

I will be here for Friday Favorites, Hello Monday, and Fashion Files. Ladies, how can you give yourself grace during the month of May? Another thing I have committed to is easy dinners where it is more heating up things than cooking! We’ve had spaghetti, fish sticks, and already cooked chicken from Trader Joe’s. My goal at the end of every school year is to not arrive there totally depleted! This never happens, but one can have that goal.

Here is what I wore out last Wednesday late afternoon to the steamboat race party (part of the Derby festivities). These are really old Target denim-like drawstring shorts, my J.Crew Factory blouse, my J.Crew consignment cardigan, and then I did switch sandals to a bit higher pair and I regretted it.

A school outfit…I wanted to wear all my jockey earrings and just found pieces to match each pair of earrings!

I forgot to get a photo, but the next day I wore the same black pants, another white shirt, and another pair of earrings that were silver and black.

Sunday for Cinco de mayo I wore my most Mexican looking kimono with black cut offs and a black v neck.

I repeated that for school Monday but with a swing dress:

And, I knew I wanted to wear long skirts this week because I haven’t had a spray tan – lol.

Tuesday I wore this:

It’s my ON cafe scene tee with a long consignment crinkly skirt, a consignment cardigan, and my Crocs Brooklyn sandals which were comfy enough for a whole day of teaching.

What have you been wearing lately?


Hello Monday

Monday, May 6, 2024

This was one of those weekends that both felt long and short. I had Friday off so it was a three day weekend! I am linking up with Sarah and Holly to share what I did.

Thursday after school Erica came over for a quick happy hour and because she wanted to see how much Eddie Otis has grown. She left and I made dinner and we did the normal evening routine. I stayed up a little later than I have been, so that was nice.

Friday my piranha puppy let me sleep until 6:20 and Tom had taken him to bed at 8:30 the night before so I was nervous. Thank you, Eddie Otis! I felt great after a week of very little sleep. We do puppy playtime on the floor after breakfast and after he gets worn out, he naps and lets me do blog stuff. Then, we did a walk and he let me do my laundry and a load of towels (his laundry – puppies make lots of dirty laundry).

Awwww – warning that there will be lots of EO photos in this post!

How does one get up and do things when you have this to cuddle?

It was a rainy dreary day and I didn’t feel like I was missing out on the Kentucky Oaks (day before Derby). I watched the outfits and some of the coverage on tv, though, throughout the day.

I offered to bring EO to Tom’s work for the first time and it made Tom slightly more popular.

Eddie Otis is really a sleepy boy most of the day and until after dinner, really.

Various napping positions here… Boy, is it nice to have a lap dog for a bit!

In the late afternoon, we went outside.

Then, it was time to meet Daddy at the vet! My kids say that I should not call Tom “Daddy”, but oh well. Tom met me and we both got to hear that his weight has officially doubled now. He got a couple of shots and was definitely a good boy. Mason was home and wanted Mexican takeout so Tom picked it up and I took EO on home.

We woke up Saturday to more rain…but everything is just so green!

I made an egg scramble for Mason and I.

I did a little morning reading. Years ago, I asked myself what I liked so much about vacation and I answered myself that I liked drinking coffee and eating outside, reading outside, and the slower pace. So, I have tried to replicate the things I do on vacation at home. I’m sure this is not a revelation to anyone, but I made these practices intentional many years ago.

My new smart oven told me it was Derby…

I found out when it is a good time to go to Trader Joe’s – Derby Saturday morning!

My project this weekend was to work on cleaning and sprucing up the patios and getting some new plants and flowers.

I also wanted to make Derby foods for just our family on Saturday. I made hot brown sliders, benedictine spread, and set out a few things I didn’t make.

Tom pressured washed the patio and the rug and got ferns to hang, too.

I got myself the recent Southern Living and of course, it had Derby day stuff!

I watched Derby coverage on and off all day and finally when it was time for the big race I sat on the patio in the rain and watched on my phone.

A former student got to sing My Old Kentucky home with the U of L choir:

For dinner, we had all already eaten all day so I didn’t make anything else.

Yesterday morning, I got a nice photo of my big boy:

He has learned “sit”!

Another niece had another prom:

I only went to one store on Sunday and it was Dollar Tree. I found some cute sets of blank cards that I like to have on hand.

Jack and I made a cake and used the Hershey’s Cocoa frosting recipe on the package again. We made our cake from a box and subbed the veg oil for butter.

Eddie Otis learned what mowing was yesterday. Look at his little butt following behind Tom. He would follow for a bit and then run back to me.

My chartreuse press on is still going strong as of typing this on Sunday afternoon.

I’m excited to buy some summer colors but I’m making myself use what I have for now.

Tell me something about your weekend!

Because I have such a busy few weeks ahead, I am planning to only post on Monday, Thursday, and Friday unless I am able to join another link up.


Friday Favorites

Friday, May 3, 2024

Happy Friday! It’s a really happy one for me because we don’t have school! It’s the day before The Kentucky Derby here in Louisville and that is called Oaks Day. So many teachers were taking it off that they decided to make it a flex Professional Development Day so technically I already worked today over the summer.

I am linking up with Andrea and Erika to share some favorites!

I shared some of these in my Currently post Wednesday, so forgive me! Also, if you had a busy week like I did – here is Hello Monday, Share Your Shelf, Fashion Files, and High Brow (a post about eye brows!)

I am tired. I had a good week of sleep last week, but at the beginning of this week Eddie Otis was restless at night. Then, I think I was restless or went to bed too early or too late. I firmly believe I have a window for optimum sleep or optimum falling asleep. Are you like that? Also, my back hurts. These can also be end of year teacher problems and not just new puppy problems.

Last College Payment happened this week! When you have twins, you have a condensed and intense situation on your hands!

A lot of you talked about this in the comments and there have been a lot of questions about their next steps. I may do a post on that even though I do try not to talk too much about their personal lives here. Today (to be exact) we will have Mason moving home and we will have four humans and one canine under the roof for at least a year I would say.

I love bringing the outdoors in and using Mason jars! I saw someone post a beautiful teal Mason jar and I need that!

I found this at my Kroger and tried another good flavor – Hazelnut. So far, I have tried and loved Cookie Dough and Hazelnut.

I have had the black Sand and Shore from Target for years and added the silver. I am really loving the look for only $10! These seem to be more useful than flip flops right now for the multiple puppy trips outside. We have to carry him down the back steps still. He can go up them if he feels like it but he often whines to be carried up.

Still really want these or something similar.

Trader Joe’s does it again and for under $7. This was recommended as a good wine for summer. Bonus that it has a screw top so you can take it on a picnic or elsewhere. If you like chenin blanc and have a TJ’s try this!

Erica and I are still sharing lunch duty. A fave this week was my breakfast/brunch. We had low carb egg casserole, one piece of bacon, potatoes, brussels sprouts, zucchini, mushrooms, and onions and a side of one tiny cinnamon roll, French bread, and dill havarti cheese.

Eddie Otis doesn’t like my frother. I laughed when he was backing away…

So cute so far…

I’ve loved my green mani this week! Again, I use Impress press ons that I order online. I like the petite size but can also deal with short. These are petite and I only had to file them slightly.

Shay mentioned this chicken breast and I love it! It’s from Trader Joe’s and I put some with pasta and ate some on its own this week. I can’t wait to buy it again.

And, Jack approved of this and wants it again!

I’ve had fun this week wearing my Derby earrings!

If this isn’t cute, right? Tom is so happy!

And, the rest of my Derby earring collection…

Wednesday night, we took Eddie Otis to a steamboat race party and he swam in the river!

We had a tired puppy after all the fun!

I found my college graduation picture with my bestie and roomie Heather:

Wow – if that girl only knew!

And, I couldn’t love this more. There was a fun little book at the library that had mottos for surviving work life and I didn’t check it out but snapped this photo:

Did you know weekend work emails are illegal in France? Close the computer and eat a croissant!

I had to work hard at it, but I stopped checking emails after work hours and on weekends. Sometimes I break my rule, but not often. We have a lot to learn in this country, don’t we?

What were your faves this week?


Share Your Shelf

Thursday, May 2, 2024

This is my second post of today so that I could link up with Jennifer for her new Share Your Shelf link up!

So, I almost exclusively use library books that are real books! My Kindle broke several years ago and I just went back to real books. I have saved so much money by using my library. I put in requests on the app on my phone and then go pick them up. Sometimes I browse the new releases while I’m there. I also love to have a non-fiction going at the same time as fiction. The money saved goes for new clothes and shoes!

I think we don’t change much as we get older. I still have the same hobbies that I did as a child. I loved to read, bake, be in nature, be creative and make up skits and songs. Hello – that is still me! I’ve always had that giddy feeling when I leave the library with a fresh stack of books.

I don’t worry about reading super intellectual books because reading is enjoyment and escape for me. With that said, I can’t read bad books or books that are written in short choppy sentences or that keep repeating details like I’m dumb. There are several popular authors that I just cannot read. I’m sorry to those of you that enjoy some of these authors.

My sweet spot is a chick lit book that is also funny. Sarah Adams is a new favorite author. Cara Bastone is new to me, too. I just finished this:

I just started this:

In my last library pick up:

I have quite an eclectic mix here!

I love to check out cookbooks because I don’t want the clutter and I would want to check it out before committing!

I read all year long, but I usually read 20-30 books in the summer. I also would call myself a “fair weather reader” because I read more outside than inside for some reason. I just love reading outside!

I read on every car trip my family took and my family knew that I was in my own world and wouldn’t respond if I was reading. They had to really get my attention to pull me away from the story. I love that I am a reader. My Dad also took a book everywhere and said that he could never be bored if he had a book. Awww!

What’s on your shelf?
