Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Have you heard of LipSense? It was first introduced to me at a LuLaRoe leggings party! I guess that was about 10 years ago? You had to buy it through a dealer/seller but the stuff was great. You don’t need a liner, but you can use one and you do 3 coats (waiting in between each one a bit) and then top with their gloss. You also had to have a special remover.

This stuff stays! The colors are gorgeous. I have used it my own way, too. I put one coat and then a normal color from another brand. The product lasts forever, too. I am kind of ashamed to say I have some of the original ones I bought that long ago.

Honestly I have tried so many long wearing lipsticks and so many of every type, too. This is the gold standard for me.

Here is me with one of the pink shades:

One of the coral shades:

If you do the three coats and gloss, it does not come off on your glass and it stays through eating and drinking.

Exhibit A:

I discovered you can buy it on Amazon and I found some new ones for a great price. Again, you might think it pricey for lip stuff, but it really lasts a long time. Also, I really love lip products!

Here are my new ones:

Old ones:

From left to right:

the remover that I don’t usually need to use and two glosses

If you want to try it, I recommend you get the remover, one color, and one gloss.

Has anyone else tried it?


19 thoughts on “Lipstick Love

  1. I’ve heard of lip sense, but I’ve never tried it. If I wear lipstick, it’s a special occasion and a very neutral color 😆I love lipgloss, but I’ve heard good things about lip sense.


    1. Ha! Now, it does burn a bit, but nothing like Duck Lip! Apply 3 coats wating a bit between each one and then top with the gloss. If they didn’t give you the gloss, just use another clear gloss.


  2. Yes! My niece in CO used to sell this, and I bought from her. I loved it! I kind of thought it wasn’t around anymore, though. You’re making me want to buy it again. I loved this stuff, and how it stayed all day long. The only thing I didn’t love that I just remembered was that it seemed to dry my lips out. Do you have issues with that? I also remember having to reapply the lipgloss on top to make it seem fresh again. You are tempting me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have been wearing it every day and don’t think my lips are dry. I use laneige before bed. I really don’t use any sort of lip
      Balm during the day after starting the laneige!


  3. I do remember this. My daughter bought some and let me try it. I was too impatient, though, and never really liked it. It’s weird, but lipstick is one of those things I’ll wear a lot. And, then, I go through a period where I don’t wear it at all. I do usually line my lips all over, but that doesn’t last very long. I really like the colors you got!


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