Monday, September 13, 2021

Happy birthday to my mom today!

How was your weekend? I am linking up with Heather and more here for Hello Monday and also linking up with Jen and more here for Not Just a Mom – Morning Routine edition.

Friday after school I came home and vegged for a bit. Erica (my lunch prep partner) and I had walked after school both Wednesday and Thursday so it felt nice to be “off the hook” on Friday.

For dinner, Tom had lunch leftovers (he goes out to lunch and often has leftovers) and I had a veggie burger in a wrap and some frozen hash browns.

And then we went to a 7:30 showing of Queen Pins, the movie with Kristen Bell about the coupon queens. I drank a coffee to make sure I could stay awake.

Well, I drifted off a few times – oops. Ain’t no tired like Friday night teacher tired. The movie wasn’t as funny as I thought it would be. It was kinda serious for most of it. So, I’m not sure I can recommend it. I did watch Exreme Couponing on TLC so I have always been fascinated by this, but I also think it’s sad and too extreme and the products you get this way are not healthy. They are the packaged, processed foods that make the “American” diet so bad.

I sat outside for a bit when we got home and just enjoyed the lights and the moon.

I went to bed at 10 instead of trying to stay up for a show. I also went to bed at 10 on Saturday night. I think this is the time of year that I just need to do that!

Such an early bedtime had me up pretty early both mornings and I went outside and lit my apple, champagne, honey candle and just enjoyed the peacefulness.

I straightened, did laundry, mopped, walked, and did a library pickup and a Kroger pick up.

We got word that Jack and Mason were coming home “sometime”. I am glad we didn’t wait around because it ended up being close to 4:00.

I talked Tom into a “day date” and we went to The Flea Off Market for a minute. I wasn’t too impressed by this one.

And, then we went to our main goal for the afternoon – Oktoberfest! I can’t believe we had never seen the German American Club before. It is so cute!

These pictures are to send to Tom’s family in Germany but I am afraid his photo facial expressions might make them too sad. Tom had a great time despite his face.

We came home and hung out with Jack and Mason – they seemed more eager to talk to us and were willing to answer our questions and chat for quite awhile. We sat with them while they ate dinner (we had had a combined lunch and dinner at the Oktoberfest) and watched Kim’s Convenience.

Then, Tom and I set up the UK football game on the patio.

I half watch/read during games. I just started this. Paris, food descriptions, a writer trying to find her muse – all things I love in a book! I also started the LuLaRoe documentary on Prime!

I slipped away to watch Gilmore Girls with J and M and then they had an online gaming session with friends to attend.

Sunday morning coffee on the deck was so nice.

I did my meal prep – back to egg casserole, veggies, and Jimmy Dean turkey sausage for this week!

One of my meals is lettuce wraps with cauliflower fried rice.

And, my other is AmyLu chicken, apple, gouda sausage with veggies that I haven’t made yet.

I had to run back to Kroger for some stuff for Spanish Club and for a few things left off of my order.

Then, after I felt that my tasks were done for the week, Tom and I went out on the boat. I was sad we hadn’t made plans with anyone but we were very spur of the moment this weekend.

We pulled up to Captain’s Quarters and then I got a text that my college friend and her husband were in the cove, so we got our food to go and met them there. So, it turned out great that we didn’t have anyone on the boat.

We hung out in the cove for about two hours and then it was time to head home.

What was the highlight of your weekend?

I debated posting this because it is quite boring! But, here goes! And, boy how it has changed now that I only worry about myself.

My Morning Routine:

5:00- Get up! Tom has left for the gym and woken me up so I am not sure why I need an alarm.

5-6:15 – Drink two cups of coffee while doing my quiet time and reading my blogs. Check school email and pack foods for school. Tom gets home from the gym, walks Ernie, and we talk for a bit while we feed Ernie.

6:15-6:45 – get myself ready

6:45 – leave for school

7:00-8:32 – Eat my breakfast at my desk and do all the things to get ready to teach six consecutive 50 minute classes with only a 20 minute break for lunch.

That’s it!

I love reading others’ routines!

Have a not horrible Monday! Ha!


24 thoughts on “Hello Monday and Morning Routine

  1. You may need to photshop a smile on Tom’s face! Haha! We are getting excited for Oktoberfest at our favorite German restaurant – I’m hoping they have it this year since last year was a bust.
    You have the most fun weekends, I love reading about them. We saw a Beatles tribute band and they were so good!
    Have a super week, I sure wish it was another 4 day week – I love long weekends!


    1. I know! I will look for more opportunities to get a candid smile, too. I swear he does smile in real life.
      We were just saying the food wasn’t nearly as good as our local restaurant’s.
      You, too! I need another week day off – it just feels different!


  2. Sounds like you had a fun weekend. We have had such beautiful weather that I spent most of my weekend outside enjoying the weather.


  3. What a fabulous weekend! I love the photo of Tom 😂and your Oktoberfest outfit is so cute! I’m glad your boys came home. What an added bonus. Thanks for linking up for the NJAM post. I’ve started packing a quickly breakfast sometimes to eat right when I get to school. I’m not ready to eat at 6:15 haha Have a great day


  4. It sounds like a great weekend! I laughed when you said you went to bed early at 10. We stayed out with friends past 10 the other weekend, and it felt like we were recovering for a week, lol.


  5. I’m so jealous of your Oktoberfest! All of our festivals around here have been cancelled again this year. Visiting from the Not Just a Mom link up– have a great week!


    1. I’m so sorry, Lauren! It’s so confusing! Let’s have 100, 000 people jammed in a stadium but cancel the outdoor events? I was just talking about this to a friend. Thank you for having the link up!


  6. That was a fun weekend! Your Oktoberfest looks great! Way to go taking advantage of the weather on the boat! I love reading other people’s routines too. Your quiet time hour sounds so lovely! Have a great rest of the week!


    1. I know – mine used to be much more involved. I can’t believe my days of getting infant twins to daycare right by my school. I would carry them both in at the same time in their carriers. Then, we had the elementary years, etc.
      I have had the alone time before anyone wakes for a long time, though. It always helped me. I am not a night person, though!


  7. Your weekend was not boring. I enjoy seeing you and family in real life unrehearsed. IF you want to see boring come to my house, lol.


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