Friday, June 7, 2024

It’s Friday, but that’s not a good thing now that it’s summer. Time slow down! I am linking up today with Andrea and Erika for Friday Favorites – as usual I have a hodgepodge of things that brought me joy this week.

What brought you joy? What were your favorites? I hope you can name many!

Here are mine…

I have a 14 week old puppy and I try to “involve” him in my chores. Does that make me sound crazy? He “helps” me go get my two birdfeeders and I tell him I’m filling them up for the birds. Then he walks them back with me. I love seeing my full birdfeeder in front of my hydrangea. Eddie Otis (my puppy) usually finds some sticks along the way and has a lot of fun. I try to keep him outside as much as I can because I think it helps to keep him entertained and with potty training.

We had Taco Tuesday and I made my skinny margs for the kids and I. We drank them on the patio before dinner while it was lightly raining and while we waited on Tom to get home. Ahhhh – love that! Here is my recipe if you don’t know it! Honestly, it’s ruined Mexican restaurant margs for me. I like mine soooo much better.

I took my car to the car wash this week. I used to be too scared to do it alone. I was really worried about following the directions correctly, getting stuck inside, getting wet, you name it. I love having a clean car!

Do you read my friend Beth’s blog? If you have a pool, you need to read her latest post. She is such a great hostess!

I’m not sure I shared this, but Tom bought me four ferns for the patio. I have loved having them this season and early in the season to enjoy them longer!

Monday I made popovers and took four of them to my friend Victoria’s house so I didn’t go empty handed. They are so easy, but you do need the special pan. Here is the recipe I used. Good ol’ Betty Crocker!

Our dogs had a playdate and we had lunch:

It was funny to watch them together!

And, speaking of funny… Tom is “friends” with all the neighborhood dogs and one of them is a chihuahua. Tom sent me this photo and said that Taz (the chihuahua) has gotten in with the wrong crowd:

Have you seen a coyote vest? This dog is probably 6 pounds, by the way. Ha!

I was happy to find my dry shampoo at TJ Maxx again. I love the smell and this really works for me. I use dry shampoo more in the winter, though.

I was in Target and I snapped some photos of books I want to request from the library:


Some of them I have already requested.

This Lulu belt bag is really too small for my needs, but it’s not too small for dog walking. I keep it packed with the leash, the waste bags, and some treats. I add my Airpods and my phone. It’s worked out great having this ready.

I did a mani – I have done this color before and I really like it!

Jack and I shopped in Fresh Market while we were hungry for lunch. We got $5 sushi on Thursdays as is their special and a $6 rotisserie chicken, but we made lots of impulse purchases, too!

Want to go to Nantucket but it’s not in the budget this year? Just go to Fresh Market for their Nantucket chips:

Another day I ran some errands alone and walked in on the cutest thing. Eddie Otis was getting a guitar serenade. Look how intently he is watching.


And, I will leave you with that cuteness!

Cheers to the weekend!


24 thoughts on “Friday Favorites

  1. Your grocery finds have my mouth watering! Love the nails as always and I need to make a trip to Target obviously- it has been too long!


  2. what a great post with lots of awesome summer inspiration! My daughter has a rescue puppy now and it’s fun to watch them bond and get into their “routines” 🙂

    Will need to make a stop at Fresh Market soon – it’s kind of out of our way so I forget about it but your items reminded me how delicious everything there is. I especially like their chicken salad. Enjoy every minute of your summer 🙂


    1. Thank you! So cute for you to see your daughter experience that!
      It’s so $$$, but it’s so refreshing to shop there. Tom loves their chicken salad, but I don’t like nuts.


  3. I may try shopping at Aldi this weekend; a friend came into the bookstore yesterday, and we talked about this and how great their selection has been lately. She has me wanting to try it again! I’m wondering if having less mouths to feed will help me with going and then seeing what they have to come up with ideas for a quick meal plan? I’m willing to try! I love that last picture of your son and EO. I love seeing men and their dogs!


    1. Sorry! Also, will you send me your skinny margarita recipe? Just text it to me, if you don’t mind! The link didn’t work.


    2. I think the meat, the cheese, and some veg and fruit are worth a trip. Oh, and we have a favorite Italian sliced bread that makes a great grilled cheese. Some of the fruit and veg I have gotten hasn’t been great, though. I think that might be true for you and that’s a great idea to reverse meal plan based on what you see. Some nights Tom is like “why are you being so extra – a meat and two veg” and he is right. That is really simple.


  4. How cute is that picture of the dogs with their tongues out?? OMG!! And Taz in that vest – I am dying!! Hahahahahaha!!!

    I do love your marg recipe, it IS better than a restaurant!

    Okay, the car wash. Let me tell you…the 1st time I went in the new automated ones a few years ago I almost had a heart attack. The attendant was yelling at me because I wasn’t putting my car in neutral, all the sensors/alarms were going off in my car and by the time it was over I was drenched in sweat. But now I have faced my fears and I have a membership- Ha! I love a clean car and now that I know what to do I feel so empowered!! It’s the silliest thing but it’s a big deal to me.




    1. Ha! So funny!
      Thank you!
      I can relate – that car wash sounds too hard core for me.
      A membership – woohoo!
      I am just a pay as I go because I don’t go enough.


  5. You know I love your skinny margarita recipe! I often add frozen strawberries to mine and blend it. I am a fan of ferns, but honestly don’t have a great place for one. They are beautiful, classic plants. Enjoy the weekend!


  6. Eddie Otis sounds a great help with the chores. hehehe I am sure he makes them more fun.
    I am still scared of car washes. If anyone goes through one I will get out, stand back and watch. Eek!
    Those popovers look fab! We call them Yorkshire Puddings here and I always struggle to get mine to rise. I think I need the type of pans you use.
    Oh wow! I have never seen a coyote vest before. I feel worried for little dogs now.


    1. Yes! Not! But, it does give him something to do. Ha – I faced my fear and I want a clean car. Oh yes, I thought Yorkshire puddings had meat drippings? I do think the pans matter. I got mine on Amazon for a good price.


  7. Lots of great little fun favorites! I also snap photos of the books I want to request from the library when I’m out shopping. Plus then I know where I saw said books if the library doesn’t have or can’t get it for me.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The puppy playdate is too cute. I need to check out those Nantucket chips. Thanks for sharing 🙂 I’m getting caught up on blog reading …so I hope you’ve had a great weekend.


    1. Thank you! The Nantucket chips are yummy but of course $$$. I get it! It’s been hard to get into my summer routine. I hope you did too! I’m having trouble responding to comments in a timely manner, but I’m working on it.


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