Tuesday, April 23, 2024

This is going to be a really short post because we have no routine! Just kidding – I guess we do!

So, Tom has tried to still go to the gym in the mornings but has not made it every day depending on how much we are up with Eddie Otis. Sadly, I cannot figure out how to do this and still make it to work on time. In the summer, I plan to leave immediately when Tom gets home. In planning for summer, I am keeping Eddie Otis in bed until 6:15. Ernie got up at 5:00!

So, I take Eddie Otis out at 6:15 and then we do his breakfast. He doesn’t want to eat right away but he is so thirsty. I should say he has giardia, unfortunately. It is a parasite and we have had to give him powder on his food and a little pill. This could be affecting his thirst levels, his eating, and his bathroom business. We are hoping to get rid of it ASAP.

So, I have moved my morning devotional reading, blog reading, and writing to the living room floor and coffee table. I also have my coffee there for now. I sit on the floor and play toys with EO before I even think about doing anything on my own. I am also trying to work on him playing independently – lol.

He plays for quite a bit and then he is worn out!

Tom takes over and I go get ready and this guy is figuring out what we do after that:

After I’m ready, Tom leaves for work and then i play or walk EO again.

He gets crated for 2.5 – 3 hours now and depending on the day Jack helps out or I come home during planning to let him out. Tom has also been coming home for lunch everyday. We are saving lots on Tom’s lunches out! Ha! Also, I think Tom misses him and just wants to see him mid-day.

After school around 3:35 – yes, I have been rushing home – he has again been crated from about 1-3:30 and then it’s outdoor play time. I think EO really likes the yard.

We sometimes have visitors and we end up playing until around 5:00 and then get sleepy, again.

We’ve been trying to take him in the car every few days or so to get used to car rides.

I make dinner usually with EO watching me. He seems to really like laying in the kitchen. Then, we do living room playtime again.

A couple of evenings I have taken a blanket out and a few toys and we’ve sat in the yard.

For now, EO can fit on the arm of the most popular chair in the house:

Tom is still going to bed at 8:30ish and tries to take EO with him. I usually follow around 9:00-9:30.

EO sleeps on our bed and thank goodness for our bedroom French doors. We take him out directly from our room. We’ve had a couple of nights where we each only take him a couple of times but usually it’s between 4 and 4000 times each. We lay a sheet down over the comforter and provide a few chew toys. We have the fan on and have noticed EO seems to get hot easily. He seems awfully young to already get hot.

In addition, we keep all the doors closed to bedrooms and bathrooms and my closet – my shoes are not going to be your snack! If he is awake, we are constantly watching him.

So, that’s the routine for now. I thought Tom was the puppy whisperer, but now I think we are too old for this. We literally forgot everything about having a puppy!

But, this face, amiright?


15 thoughts on “Puppy Routine

  1. Wow, you all sound like you’ve thought of everything! I think I forgot how much work a puppy is, I do remember feeling exhausted . EO is such a little cutie though so I’m sure as much work as it is your hearts are full!




    1. So much work! We also have to have a baby gate at the top of the stairs to the basement/hangout area so that kinda stinks. I joke with Tom that I have him when he is wild and Tom gets him when he is tired and docile.


  2. His little face is just so precious! I always forget about how much puppies sleep. Sorry to hear he has a parasite; I’m sure with the meds he will be well soon, though. We had a dog with worms when she was a puppy (my son Graham’s dog, Oakley), and she also had UTIs several times, but the worms finally went away and so did her propensity to get an infection. It seems like the little guy is adjusting and that you both have a good grasp on his training!


  3. You have a knack for selecting pups with the sweetest faces, EO reminds me of Ernie in that regard…beyond cute! Hope you’re sleeping through the night by Memorial Day (hope that didn’t depress you, ha).


  4. The last photo of EO melts my heart! He is such a gorgeous little guy! So much work tho! It’s a good thing he’s so cute!


  5. I am tired just reading this schedule! He is a cute little full time job! Sounds like all hands on deck and seems like he has lots of people to love on him. Smart move to keep your shoes out range! I laughed at the fact he is too young to get hot, as I am over here having a hot flash!


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