Monday, May 20, 2024

It’s Monday and I am linking up with Sarah and Holly but I don’t think I’ve ever taken so few photos on a weekend. Bad Blogger! I’m also so behind in responding to comments. I can’t wait to have more time for that! I apologize!

Let’s go back to Friday! I brought in my crockpot and made queso for my two AP classes. I had cubed two huge thing of Velveeta the night before and then added two cans of Ro-Tel per batch. They all brought in stuff, too. We debriefed about the 4 hour long exam they took the day before. They have the potential to earn up to 12 college credit hours depending on how well they do and how much their college of choice gives them.

Someone brought in a fiesta pack of Jarritos Mexican soft drinks!

We took photos in the hall!

Some were silly.

I will get to see them as they do their “senior walk” to say good-bye, but this was the last day of having seniors in class.

My sweet 7th period Spanish 3 which only has 3 seniors wanted to do a grazing table so we made a charcuterie board on a brand new plastic tablecloth.

They asked if they were my favorite class and I really don’t have a favorite, but they have been a nice way to end the day. For the last period of the day, I have dug deep for energy to teach a lesson that I have already taught twice before (in my 4th and 6th period Spanish 3 classes) and they have been cooperative, funny, and sweet.

One of the coolest things about being a teacher is seeing the different personalities that each class has. Gosh, you guys, this job is so emotional! It’s so hard because I’m so ready for the year to end, but you never have the same class dynamic again and that part is sad.

Friday night, I rallied and made Tom rally, too, and Tom and I went for pizza with our two couple friends. I ordered a salad and a slice. We also brought home a pizza for our kids who were home hanging out.

I could not sleep Friday night for anything! I think I was wound up from being “ON” all day. I felt so bad Saturday morning from really what amounted to about 3 bad nights of sleep last week. I bowed out of a trip to Tom’s parents’ house, but Tom, Eddie Otis, and the kids went. I tried to clean as much as I could while I had pup out of the house. I made myself a version of Applebee’s spinach artichoke pizza from the 90s on a low carb tortilla. It didn’t taste much like it, but it was good.

I picked up a few things from Kroger – I went inside for the first time in quite a while! They have rearranged my Kroger! It ain’t for the best, either! URGHHHH!

I also needed just a couple of things from Trader Joe’s and noticed they had this:

I didn’t buy it, but I thought it was interesting.

Everyone returned home and I made dinner and read on the porch a bit. I went to bed Saturday night at 8:30 I think!

Yesterday morning I was up with Eddie Otis before 6:00 a.m. He’s really a pretty good puppy, except for the biting. He is such a biter!

The kids have been a huge help with Eddie Otis since they have been finished with classes, but we give them a break on the weekend.

I did my last two meal prep lunches and piddled around – finished laundry and just odds and ends. Around 2:00, Tom and I went to an art fair.

I bought a candle from Lendenwood Goods – the owner is a friend of a friend – and I love her all cocktail or coffee based candles – what a connection, no? Check her out. The prices are great for these nice candles! I really love the wide wood wicks, too.

Then, we went to take the boat off the battery. It had been charging. We were going to try to do the maiden voyage yesterday but it wasn’t ready.

Did you have a good weekend? I hope you did more than I did!


28 thoughts on “Hello Monday

  1. Hope you ended up getting some sleep this weekend…you are in the final stretch…you got this Mama! Your classes sound so fun even though they are tiring…you are making such a big and lifelong impact on these kids- they are so lucky!


    1. I did! I slept great the last two nights and I added magnesium gummies so that might be helping too!
      You are so kind and I don’t know if I’m all that great! Ha!


  2. I couldn’t sleep Friday night either; I was easily up until 11:30 and then was awake at 3:30 which found me sound asleep by 7:30 on Saturday night. We spent pretty much all day on Saturday running errands and I then I spent a very lazy day at home on Sunday (and didn’t take a single photo!).


    1. You and I are in sync! I did start taking magnesium gummies Saturday night. My cousin is studying functional medicine and we talked on the phone about magnesium, fiber, omega 3 and she suggested that.


      1. I made the mistake of having tarimisu cheesecake for dessert and I think the espresso in it kept me awake. My heart was racing and I felt so jittery.


  3. You are so cute with your students! It actually sounds like a great, low-key weekend with a balance of getting out of the hosue and staying home. It is such a learning curve when grocery stores re-arrange. Happy Monday!


  4. I had such a busy weekend I didn’t write a post today! I’m equal parts proud of myself for allowing it and disappointed. It’s unusual for me to do that.

    This time of year is a mixed bag of emotions for teachers and kids. Today I am going to our elementary school for the senior walk through – talk about emotions!!

    Hope your Monday is great, Amy!!




  5. That end of the school year exhaustion is no joke! We had a fun full weekend, road tripped many many miles to a wedding in a town where we used to live. We are tired too, and we’ll be in charge of some of our grandkids this weekend so I need to squeeze in a nap somewhere before then : ) Have a nice week!


  6. I’ve also started eating magnesium! It really helps with my sleep!

    You did such nice things for your seniors! They will remember you forever!

    I think you did a lot this weekend… I think my energy levels are a bit lower than yours…!

    Hang in there these last days! ❤


  7. I love wood wick candles too. The crackling sound is so cozy. I can tell how much you love your students…the best part of teaching!


  8. The summer countdown is on! I know you are beyond excited for your summer break, and in much of one by now. I’m excited for you! My weekend was full of activity; I have so much to write about it all that I think I’ll just wait and talk about it all on Friday. I’m scheduling a post for that day, but I won’t be home to read comments and other blogs; we’ll be in Dallas and heading back that day. I hope your week goes by quickly! Is this your last week before summer break?


  9. The charcuterie table is the best thing ever. Love it! You are such a great teacher! I feel like I’m dragging to the finish line of the school year. No school tomorrow and what I wouldn’t give to sleep until 8!


    1. It was funny and they all seemed to really like it! Same! We have a teacher day today for the bussing fiasco at the beginning of the year. Can you believe that? They just couldn’t throw us a bone.


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