Friday, June 27, 2024

It’s Friday and that means it’s time to link up with Andrea and Erika to share some things that made me happy this week!

I am working on decluttering – finally getting the motivation to start on this. One of the things I donated were our really old plastic Target plates and my Pioneer Woman plates that you’ve seen in so many photos. I plan to get some new plates, but in the mean time I am using our white Pottery Barn plates and our wedding china that is almost 24 years old and only been used a few times.

Tom and I chose this:

We knew that we didn’t want anything super fancy and I think we chose well. I still like it. It is dishwasher safe, too.

I really cooked a lot this week – Sunday night we had blackened fish tacos with mango salsa.

Monday we had Greek bowls with roasted vegetables:

Tuesday we had spaghetti:

Wednesday we had chicken, broccoli, and homemade potato wedges, but no photo.

I also did a chocolate Bundt cake with chocolate icing:

By Thursday night I was tired of cooking and we ordered pizza!

We got some amazing rain Tuesday and Wednesday. It poured and poured!

In getting ready for the 4th of July, I picked up these Waterloo – yum!

And, Kroger gave me a sample of this Liquid IV flavor in my last pick up and it was so good, so it was just a matter of finding it in a store – I found both of my red, white, and blue products at Walgreen’s!

My Amazon summer tote is doing just fine. I’m loving having a summer option now!

Things We Never Got Over started to drag for me. It’s a really long book and I feel like I know what’s going to happen, so…

I started the next one and it’s so good so far! It goes into detail of characters that played small roles in the first one.

So, here is my declutter plan:

This is hard to do with a puppy underfoot, but I’m trying to use the times he is asleep to tackle certain areas. He comes running when I open the kitchen towel drawer and steals a towel. He comes running when I open the aluminum foil/baggie drawer and grabs a baggie. He also steals things from the fridge when it’s open – he has tried to pull out a wine bottle and he has stolen a potato.

I usually lose interest and never finish the list, but so far I am being ruthless. I’m kind of using this rule – if I haven’t used it in 90 days and don’t see myself using it in the next 90 days it has to go.

I’m already enjoying the space I have now that certain drawers and areas aren’t so stuffed full.

Have you all tried Yasso bars? I tried my first in the cookie dough flavor and it is so good! I can’t wait to try some other flavors.

I had to laugh at Eddie Otis playing with his margarita and his chili pepper. You know you are the puppy of a Spanish teacher when…

He also has a giant taco dog toy!

This has been my uniform – bike shorts, t-shirt, sneakers for morning walks and working around the house.

And, yesterday I had a really fun day with my friend Victoria. The Myriad Hotel Swim Club has had free Wednesday and Thursday for teachers this month so we took advantage of the deal! Victoria is a French teacher.

It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed chatting for a few hours. We had a couple of drinks and lunch there.

And, Eddie Otis and I had nice morning walks this week, too!

What was a favorite of yours this week?

Happy Friday!


14 thoughts on “Friday Favorites

  1. The swim club looks like so much fun! Great weather, food, and drinks – what more could you want?

    Decluttering feels so good! I like your thought process with the 90 day rule. I need to throw out cosmetics and skin care next as much as it pains me to do it.

    Have a great weekend!




    1. It really was! I felt like it was a mini vacation. I was probably the oldest person there but I don’t care!
      Why does decluttering feel so good? It’s also helping me shop less!


  2. Our favorite Yasso bars are the cold brew and the mint chip… but so far I haven’t had one I don’t like. Enlightened bars are good too but up here they’re harder to find. Yay for free pool days!


  3. Those Yasso bars are so delicious! They’ve been a long-time favorite of mine. My favorite are the mint chocolate chip ones! Happy weekend!


  4. All your food looks good and I am inspired with the 90 day challenge. I would probably get rid of half my house, but that definitely gives me a new lens to look through things as I am trying to organize and de-clutter too.


  5. I think I’ve decluttered enough over the last two moves. In fact, I donated some things I wish I still had! I never had wedding china, but I do have three sets of dishes. I didn’t actually have my own dishes until we’d been married probably 15 years! They were hand me downs from relatives. Then, I bought a sorta plain white Pfaltzgraff set. Over the years, I added a golden/brown set and a turquoise set from Target.

    That swimming pool looks so refreshing, even better with friends. We had some rain but need more.


  6. That is so cool that the hotel lets teachers come swim! What a fun way to spend a summer day. OK, I had NO idea Liquid IV had that flavor!! I love the orange Liquid IV so much! I buy it weekly. Eddie Otis is so cute! I love his doggie toys! Haha!


    1. How generous, right? The promo was just for June, but still! We felt like we were on vacation! I have not tried orange, but I love this flavor so much. Thank you!


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