Friday, June 21, 2024

Ok, this is just not fair. The Fridays keep coming at me and they need to slow down. I’m happy to link up with Andrea and Erika today, though, to share some favorites from the week.

Did you celebrate the summer solstice last night? Do you like it staying light out so late?

Do you ever wonder how the sausage is made? I love that term and use it a lot at school! What I mean is – how I do this blog post! I snap photos all through the week and add them to my post as the week goes on. Then, on Thursday morning (I usually write only 24 hours ahead of my posts) I put words to the photos.

Jennifer convinced (she didn’t have to try very hard) me to try Walmart Plus/Walmart + again (I did a one one month trial last June, too!) and I have enjoyed using it like I would Amazon, in addition to using it for my groceries. I check prices and see where I can get the best one.

I ordered myself two different floating options:

I haven’t gotten to try them out yet, though!

My Chobani creamer is hard to find, so I tried this and I really like it. Should we just make the month of June the month of coconut? I’m using it on my face, my hair and in my coffee!

Zero Chobani when I did a special trip to Target:

I really wanted Cookie Dough again!

So, Walmart Plus/Walmart + is pretty cool. They drop the stuff off on my porch and it’s pretty magical. Want to know what else was magical? They sent a human to take my two returns! Woohoo! Welcome to the future!

This week I had a Mexican restaurant lunch with Erica and I indulged in about half of this marg at lunchtime! Scandalous!

She brought me back some cool things from her trip – one of her stops was a lavender farm in Provence, France.

I’m still plugging away at this book, but the heat has kept me from reading in my happy place, so I haven’t read much this week.

I got to pick up two more books at the library this week so I better get a move on!

I guess this is a new feature…my library sent me this email. Girl Math! I showed Tom how much I saved so therefore can now spend!

Remember when I lost my mind and thought we might get two chocolate lab puppies? Well, sadly, the other two males from his litter have still not been adopted. They look just like our boy.

Eddie Otis has been enjoying frozen carrots. I plan to soak one in beef broth, but this just went straight into the freezer.

These are all the cousins from my niece’s grad party. I didn’t have the photo right away. They are all so grown up. How did that happen so quickly? One sister has three kids and one sister has four. Tom has a firm belief that the number of kids should never be greater than the number of parents. Ha! He believes in a man on man defense approach.

Eddie Otis got to sleep where Ernie always slept last weekend while we watched a movie. Look at our big boy! We still miss Ernie, of course. He was such a good dog.

We had a fun outing as a family this week on a Tuesday night! Tom purchased tickets to hear a classical guitarist so we ate dinner out nearby before the concert.

I didn’t want to be obnoxious so I only snapped my dish. I got mushroom risotto with vegetables and it was fabulous.

We weren’t allowed to take photos during the performance so I took a photo of the musician’s chair for you:

Because Eddie Otis is spoiled, I had a dog sitter hang out with him.

So, I had a week with lots of favorites. And, what you don’t have photos of were all the slow mornings, cups of coffee, blog reading, puppy walks, making whatever I want for breakfast and lunch, talking to my kids, chatting on the phone with friends and family. Ahhhhhhhhh

I hope you had many favorites this week and I would love to hear one. If you have more than one, you probably should start a blog! Ha! Just kidding! But seriously! We need more blogs!

Cheers to the weekend!


24 thoughts on “Friday Favorites

  1. I embrace all things coconut during the summer! My skin and hair care, any coconut flavored foods/treats, etc. I’ve been toying with the idea of trying Walmart delivery today; we never used to have that option but I hesitate because our local Walmart doesn’t usually have the greatest produce and I’m afraid I’ll be disappointed in what gets delivered.


    1. This coconut creamer is fab! I don’t like actual coconut shredded on desserts or whatnot. I say try it for a month for free! I’ve been happy with the produce!


  2. I love all of your FF! Are you thinking you need to go back and get EO’s brothers? I think so. Going from 1 to 3 can’t be that much of a change, right??? Totally kidding. But, ugh, it tugs at my heartstrings.

    How cool that your library tells you how much you saved! I am planning to visit mine this weekend and get some books. All the popular ones I’ve requested are not available yet.

    The line up of all the cousins is great! Must make your mom so happy – my mom loves seeing her grandkids all together and so do I. They have such a special bond.

    Have the best weekend Amy – you need to stop sharing about how Walmart + is picking up your returns IN PERSON or I’m going to have to join – ha!!!!




    1. Thank you!
      No! I can’t do it!
      I loved that math they did for me!
      I think so and my dad would be so amazed to see them this age. 5.5 years makes a big difference.
      You too!
      Girl – I am just wanting to simplify and reduce errands and I can’t gatekeep a secret like that!


  3. Yay for all the love for Walmart+ and thanks for the shout-out! I’m loving it too, and have started using it rather than Amazon. I’m going to cancel some of my Amazon subscriptions soon and order from Walmart instead. Floats are a great thing to buy there! That meal you had on Tuesday night made my mouth water; I love things like that! What a fun night that was. We do need more blogs! I’m kind of down to reading just my top faves everyday and then I catch up on the others over the weekend. (Obviously, you’re in the top faves spot.) Are y’all thinking of adopting one of his EO’s siblings? I’ll forever be a two dog home from here on out; I do think puppies are good for each other, or maybe it’s that puppies bring new life to old dogs. That’s probably more like it; I don’t know if I could handle two puppies! 🤣 Have a great day, my friend! Let’s talk again one day next week…we can text about it soon.


    1. It’s really been nice so far. I just don’t want to spend my time in the store. Great idea to look at your Amazon subscriptions. I want to learn to make more dishes like that. I have so few blogs on my list now. No, we really aren’t thinking of another dog now. Maybe in a year or so, but after EO I don’t think I can do the puppy stage again so soon. I do get the 2 dog home, but Tom is very stubborn about what he wants in a dog and he wants to raise from puppyhood where I would like a rescue.
      I can talk any day right now pretty much!


  4. June seems to be flying by!! I think it’s because we have had rain from Alberto. Last summer just dragged on with every day being hot, high 105 degrees! Felt like the movie Groundhog Day. 🤣 Hoping time slows down for you!


  5. Mexican for lunch sounds good to me! The only coconut I like is a Pina Colada! And I am back to my reading again, it is so good to get lost in a book! Enjoy your weekend!


  6. I agree! Let’s hit the brakes on summer! Can you imagine weeks flying by this fast during the school year? I’m living large until July 1st— that’s my unofficial halfway point of summer break. I think the first teacher day back is August 5th. We did a ton of decluttering dusting and organizing this week. We downsized from a 4-bedroom house to a 1-bedroom apartment a few years ago, and we still have too much stuff/junk. While not a favorite, I faced my fears and helping my son get a new car and then added it to the car insurance. Nothing gets my heart rate up there like car insurance rates. My sons are both visiting until Sunday, and it’s wonderful! They visit each other, and we see them 1x/month in Tampa, but this is special! Have a great weekend!


  7. Maybe you DO need another puppy! I love my Walmart+ and have been using it more. I like that I can get cash back with Rakuten, while Amazon is not affiliated with them. Hope you have a good weekend!


  8. Well, you can’t just take one brother. No puppy left behind!

    I work at my local library, and we do the same on our check out receipts. Hoping it helps the taxpayers see how valuable the library is.

    I think if I had the summer off, I’d be a giddy fool. Kind of a rehearsal for retired life.

    If only!


  9. What a great week! I agree, summer seems to be going fast. Looks like you have lots of reading to do and so great to utilize your local library. I haven’t tried the Walmart plus, but it does seem like a great deal. Have a good weekend!


    1. Right? I know now I can’t do 2 puppies! Yes, it can be dangerous, but I was looking for a way to not always be at the grocery. Yes! I am on mine right now!


  10. How are those sweet pups not adopted yet? So cute!
    Love the cousin pic. How special!
    When people would ask “how do you handle twins?” I would always say, “At least we aren’t outnumbered.” 🤣


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