Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Boy, if I were to try to list all the things I have learned from my ten plus years of reading blogs, it would take me forever.

My life has been better for reading blogs! I swear! I bet you will agree with me if you are also a regular blog reader.

So, what’s working for me right now? By the way, lots of things aren’t working for me right now, but how about we keep this positive? Ha! I really want to know what’s working for you in this season in the comments. Some days my comments section is gold, if I do say so myself. So, not only do blogs give me so many ideas, but your comments do, too. Thank you! Thank you!

Number One – my hydrangea:

After a season of not blooming, my hydrangea is going crazy! I like to think this is a gift from my Dad. I was so sad last summer. By the way, my Dad has now (unbelievably) been gone for five and a half years. I was in Dollar Tree standing in front of the Father’s Day cards the other day and I got emotional. I say feel the feelings. Another thing happened yesterday. I saw on a grocery app what I bought a year ago this month and it was Ernie’s special canned carrots, green beans, and all the chicken I was going to boil for him. I felt the feelings. I’m so lucky that I have had people and canines worth grieving, you know?

So, I am sharing my hydrangea when I need to bring a gift. I pick blooms that are in the back or kind of hidden, so I’m still enjoying plenty of blooms, too.

What I brought my friend Heather:

Number Two – the library:

This is nothing new, but it’s a constant in my life. I made the decision to stop buying books years ago (for both the monetary savings and the clutter factor) and if you are a Lazy Genius listener/follower that is a “decide once” decision for me. I use my library app and request books and I also go in and look around. I love my library! If you are home this summer with your kids, you need to use your library! I took my kids to three different ones and we did several of their programs. This shows our ages, but we also checked out DVDs, music CDs, and things that weren’t books.

Number Three – press ons:

I will keep using them until I have a reason not to, I guess! My favorite brand is Impress and I order them online. I like the petite or short size the best.

Here are the two I’ve done so far this summer:

I’m not very crafty, but even I can do this. The hardest part is timing – making sure you aren’t going to put your hands in water for quite some time after pressing them on. Then, the other and only hard part is picking the size that fits your nails the best.

My favorite way to do them is right after my nightly shower. I take my time choosing and lay them out in finger order. You simply press them on. If I need to file or cut, I try to wait a few minutes or maybe even until the next day. They don’t bother me at all and I can’t even tell I have them on.

Number Four – the dog walking belt bag packed and ready:

Eddie Otis and I take at least two walks a day. He hardly lets me put my shoes on (he thinks my laces are a toy!) so having this packed is very helpful. I don’t always have pockets so this is my pocket! Sometimes we as humans make things harder than they need to be and sometimes we figure it out.

Number Five – starting my day outside:

I am the morning person for EO and after he eats breakfast, I find that getting him outside right away is the best. He loves listening to the birds and looking around and I can read my devotional and my blogs. I daresay it’s good for me to start outside, too.

Time for my walk now, mama:

Number Six – the Trader Joe’s body wash and body butter combo

Smells are really important to me! I feel like this is really a nice summery smell that I am enjoying! I want the seasons to feel like the seasons and I think mixing up your smells is a fun way to embrace the one you’re in.

So, what’s working for you right now? It can be something big or something small! There is no wrong answer! (Oh crap, the teacher in me just came out!)

Cheers to finding what works for us!


23 thoughts on “What’s Working for Me

  1. I am a better person for reading blogs too! Maybe with a little less money from being influenced on purchases, but a better person :). This is a great list. I am enjoying the Trader Joe’s lotion each day too this summer. I bought a book off Ebay this week, because my local library didn’t have the book I needed. I hadn’t purchased off Ebay in years, but I was at least glad I saved over half the price from purchasing brand new from Amazon. Ha, can’t hide the teacher in you!


    1. Oh gosh – yes! I have been influenced to buy several times! I need to “spend out” if a book isn’t available and I might do that, too. That’s a great deal, then. Nope, you can’t. I also want to do things like “let’s go around the circle and share_” when I’m with people!


  2. Is it awful that I just can’t think of anything that’s working for me right now?! LOL. I mean I feel like life is going well but there isn’t anything I am consistently doing from day to day other than only planning the next day as it comes since each day is so very different.


    1. I don’t think so. That probably means you have been busy and out of your routine. Or, you are in a time of transition. Well, maybe just keeping a list of the next day is working for you?

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I stopped buying books as well and use my library apps. I have an old kindle but stopped using it because it was expensive to buy books on it. I have also stopped buying things/supplies for my classroom and make the $300 I receive for supplies every year stretch. When my department head sends out an email asking if we need anything, I ask for things instead of letting the email get buried in my inbox. Recently I requested a bulletin board and highlighters. Back to home: thanks to your blog, during the weekend, I set out 5 tops that I’d like to wear to work the coming week. It helps me make sure I wear everything in my closet. I’ve also gotten some great meal ideas from your blog!


    1. That was the issue for me with the Kindle – I hadn’t figured out how to do the library Kindle books yet. Yes on the teaching supplies – I am the same. I really tried to stop using my own money years ago.
      Aww, I’m so happy that you say that! That makes me feel great!


  4. What’s working for me right now is giving myself grace to know I can’t do it all! I feel overwhelmed at times – blog reading, blog commenting, blog writing, trying to remember to take photos so I have pictures to go with posts, keeping up with another group, keeping in touch with family and friends on Facebook, household chores, budgeting, trying to organize my craft room and keep up with scrapbooking when I seem to have lost my groove. There are times when I just curl up with a good book for a few hours and close the door on everything else.


    1. So important! Yup – it’s a lot! And, I decided not to overthink/overstress so that it remains a fun hobby.
      I feel like some days I spin my wheels and don’t work very efficiently. I think some days just resting is what you need.


  5. What’s working for me:

    Walmart+, giant claw clips for my hair, texting/snapchatting my guys that I don’t see often enough, random phone calls to Noah about his dinners/cooking, Timehop memories, and sometimes giving into the emotions that overwhelm me when I miss Noah after two and a half weeks of him living in Dallas.

    I loved this post! I also love my blog time in the mornings; I tell people this all the time: how fortunate are we that we get to have this wonderful online community that feels like something way better than pen pals ever dreamed of being??? I am so grateful for my friends here, including you. xoxo


    1. I’m hoping to add Walmart + to my next one, but I need to give it some time. Yesterday’s first delivery was sure amazing!
      All of yours are so sweet.
      Right? I feel the same and people who aren’t involved don’t really understand.


  6. I love my library, too! (Every time we’ve moved, getting a new library card is at the top of my list.) I place a lot of holds for books, but starting about a month ago, all my requested books started coming in. I have about 20 books from the library right now, all from my requests! I started using the “For Later” button on my library website so I can get through the books I have without adding more right now. Luckily, it’s summer break, so I have a little more time for reading.


  7. Love this post!
    I’m sorry you’ve been a bit sad lately. I can only imagine how different the father’s day card section looks. After our dog Scout died, six months later, I was at the pet store for treats for our other dog and saw dog Christmas stockings and got in the car and cried. I didn’t think about that Christmas hanging up one less stocking.
    Hydrangeas – mine didn’t bloom last year but are blooming this year. I think mine bloom every other year. I’m not sure if that’s normal or not 🤣Hadley and I are both still loving the TJ body wash and body cream. Your press on game is strong! I always love what you choose.


  8. Definitely the library! I don’t buy books either and don’t miss it one bit. I am obsessed with Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper right now. On Sunday we went through the drive through at the library to return some books and I told my husband how much I LOVE the library.

    I’d say the one thing working for me right now is my prescription sleep medicine that I finally got! There is nothing better than a good night’s sleep!




  9. That was an ecclectic and wonderful mix of six great summery things! Success proof!
    I love my blogs, but as you know I’m very picky! Yours is without comparison my absolute favorite! Personal, funny, clever, fantastic mix of high and low!

    I also love the library and actually rediscovered it when I started reading your blog!


  10. I agree that I learn so much from all my fellow bloggers and the comments too. And I get plenty of encouragement and support too. It’s nice to know others are going through similar phases with all of the highs and lows. What’s working for me right now…ditto on the library. And having a new puppy is bringing lots of energy and fun to our household right now!


  11. I love reading blogs and was a lurker until I started blogging myself. I didn’t get how to comment let alone how important those comments could be to the blogger. I know they make my day. My hydrangeas are just beginning to put out flower buds so I’m hoping to have lots in a month or so.

    What’s working for me right now? All the plants on my back porch make me crazy happy. It’s approaching jungle zone which is one of my favorite things. I’m finally losing weight but it’s slow and sorta discouraging. But, the pounds are coming off finally. I love smells, but I just keep forgetting to light some candles.



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