It’s Friday and I am coming down off of the school year adrenaline. My devotional yesterday was about rest. “God commanded rest for mankind”. Sometimes when I hear my friends talk about feeling guilty for not being productive I respond that maybe they need to rest. I know I need to! So, for my first two days off I didn’t do a whole lot.

I’m linking up with Andrea and Erika for Friday Favorites today.

Here we go…

We took the boat out again on Monday and it was gorgeous. Eddie Otis was the perfect boat dog again! Boating is always a favorite!

On Tuesday, I returned to work and it was ok.

I packed up and cleaned my classroom, but my room is being used for summer school so I didn’t go too crazy. I wanted the teacher to have what she needs.

Before that, though, we had a department breakfast and then went to our last faculty meeting.

I wore my new set. Details are in my Fashion Files post yesterday.

Even though it’s sad, it’s always a favorite to wrap up a school year and feel that sense of accomplishment.

After my work day, Eddie Otis and I chilled on the patio and then one kid did the Kroger pick up for the family and put everything away and one kid came to help me at the vet with EO. It was really nice because Tom is really busy at work and it wasn’t the best time for him to leave early to do the vet. I could have handled it alone, but it’s really easier to have someone help. We go back in three weeks for the last of the puppy shots! Yay!

Having kids this age is really a favorite.

I love seltzers in the summer. I found a new favorite at Kroger. Truly has a pack (should have taken a photo of the box) with cherry lime, peach tangerine, lemon blueberry, and pineapple cranberry.

Mason loves French toast and I made him some with Trader Joe’s challah. It’s so good!

And, the TJ’s peonies have made me happy all week. They’ve opened up so beautifully! Yes to fresh flowers in the house!

I’ve also loved the body wash and body butter. Someone asked what it smells like and I just think it smells summery and pleasant. I guess it smells like bum bum cream but I don’t have any right now to compare.

I found this at Kroger and took a chance. It’s so good!

I found this set of press ons a long time ago at TJ Maxx and used half of the set. These were the leftovers that I combined with a plain white set. I really like this for summer.

I placed a fun Old Navy order. I got t-shirts that say East Coast and West Coast that were on sale for $7.49. I’m really into graphic tees right now.

And, I got two pairs of linen shorts that were $14. 99. I got the blue and white stripe below and the floral print in the next photo below.

I hadn’t bought nicer shorts (not cut offs or lounge/athletic) in a long time so I thought these would be nice for dressing up a bit. I would say they run true to size.

I saw this come up on Facebook. There is a new term “sharenting”. It’s so hard to share my life without talking about my kids because they are such a big part of it. I do think some parents need to take a pause before sharing too much. At the very least, it’s a conversation to have with your kids at a certain age – both about what you share and about what they share. Maybe have a waiting period to see if you still think you should share it? I can see that some of my students like their parents to share on social media because that shows their pride and love, but some are sharing really personal stuff.

I found myself watching a House Hunters (love!) with a real estate agent who also takes her ventriloquist dummy along and has him help in sharing the homes’ details. I thought I got a photo when I screenshotted, but I guess not. Look what they titled it! Anyone looking for a home in Montgomery, AL? Would you use a real estate agent with a dummy? Ha! I think I would be scared off! Those dolls creep me out!

And, a definite favorite is seeing Tom so happy to have a pup in his life. This is them playing after dinner:

And, captaining the boat together last weekend.

As much as I am a dog person, Tom is really a dog person. But, this summer I think Eddie Otis is going to be my little shadow. True story – he got in the shower with me yesterday. I just let him stay since it was a quick no-shampoo shower. No boundaries!

What were your favorites this week? I hope you had many!


35 thoughts on “Friday Favorites

  1. Amy, how lovely for you! You and Eddie will have a fantastic time! And how nice that you get to spend so much time with your boys! That’s the only negative with us staying in the cabin – the girls prefer to stay in the city… But soon we have five weeks together in Florida, so… I guess balance is the key?

    Oh I love boating! We only have a small (very small) center console boat, but we use it a lot! Today we’re actually going for lunch at very nice restaurant here on an island nearby.


    1. Thank you! I hope so! He is in the toddler stage and into everything. Yes, that is so nice. I kind of want them to have a period of no job so they can spend time together and with us. Yes, I think so. Balance in all aspects of life.
      You are off on a Friday? Is that always the case? I know you are part time? That sounds like a lovely way to spend today!


      1. Yes, I work 80 %, so no lessons on Fridays, but I attend the weekly staff morning meeting – digitally of course :D. One good thing that the pandemic brought into our lives!


  2. Okay, NO WAY would I want a real estate agent using a dummy to share house details. Those things are SO CREEPY! UGH!!!

    I am a big believer in doing nothing – you should see me every night at around 7pm, I do NOTHING – ha!! I just have to unplug and get off the laptop, phone, etc.

    The term sharenting is interesting, I agree, sometimes there is just way too much info out there about our kids.

    Hope you have a great weekend – I love the photo of EO and Tom driving the boat – so sweet!!!




    1. Right? It was wacky! She’s a top seller, too!
      I don’t even want to talk on the phone after 7. I am decompressing!
      I see some really big bloggers giving so much information on their kids.
      Thank you and you, too!


  3. Congratulations on finishing year 30! šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ I love your new swimsuit coverup and linen shorts. Just can’t beat gauze and linen for comfortable fabric in the summer. That is the cutest picture of EO with your husband! šŸ˜ Have a relaxing weekend!


    1. Thank you! I can’t believe I’ve done this for so long! Thank you! I feel set for summer, but I do have more time to shop and I’m in the stores more so we will see. Thank you! I thought it was so cute, too! You too!


  4. I agree about what you said about rest; I often feel slightly bad for not being more productive, but I’ve learned that it’s something that comes and goes for me. I think my best time of year right now is spring, and I’m shocked to write this. I always thought it was fall! I have energy, I’m sleeping great, I’m benefiting from the warm weather and sunshine, and I am on a roll in my house with the cleaning out/organizing/rearranging. I know I’ll slow down again before long, but I’m relishing in this for the moments that I feel this way. I’m also thankful for this, because I have felt sluggish for way too long. I also think that things I dread hang over my head and effect (affect??) my moods and productivity. (I’m talking about Noah moving away.)

    On a lighter note, I love the pic of EO as Captain for the day, and that he is your little shadow. What would we do without the joy that our dogs bring? Whether for you or Tom, they really do bring contentment and smiles. I am equally enamored/frustrated with mine on any given day! I hope your weekend is amazing, my friend. Do you want to schedule a phone date soon? We can text. ā¤ļø


    1. So true! I think you must be in a good head space and I admit to being a bit jealous. Maybe I am coming off the school year still.
      Thank you – EO has brought some fun in my life – and more work!
      I do – let’s try for next week. I will text you Monday am to see what works for you. If I forget, you text me! I hope you had a nice day with your dad yesterday and today I think you need a mom and sister shopping day and lunch! I don’t think you have done that for a bit?


  5. Congratulations on finishing the school year! The peonies look so beautiful! They are super expensive over here and not readily available. The feta dip sounds so delicious. I havenā€™t seen feta dip in the shops but I buy feta by the kilo and put it in everything. I enjoy House hunters but that one with the dummy sounds a bit creepy LOL


  6. I havenā€™t seen peonies at my TJ yetā€¦but Iā€™m going today to check again. EO on the boat is just the best.
    I love your ON shorts. I have some cash to spend starting tomorrow. Maybe I can check them out.


    1. Oh no! I hope you can find some. I also have been clipping a few hydrangeas and putting them in a mason jar! So pretty! Thank you – I’m so glad he seems to like the boat.
      Sounds like you need to get to ON and TJ today!


  7. I love hearing the EO stories. Mollie is definitely my shadow right now. She’s doing much better with the different crate and seems to be settling in more. I know what you mean about sharenting. It makes me sad when I see people complain about their kids or share embarassing things online. I always ask if I can post pictures and try not to share more than the general/superficial things. Regarding productivity, I think our culture today treats “busy-ness” as an idol. In a conversation, you really don’t want to be the person who is relaxed or doesn’t have much going on. Or at least that’s the feeling I get! Hope you have a good weekend!


    1. Thank you! Aww Mollie is also so cute. I want lots of pics. How are she and Albie doing? Eddie Otis is still such a biter, but that’s really my only complaint about him – right now.
      I agree. I don’t always ask my kids but I do keep it as superficial as possible. I share even less on Facebook/IG than I do on my blog.
      I so agree! Why? I don’t get it! People brag about being busy around here! It’s crazy! And, don’t even try to get together with more than one friend at a time – the scheduling is crazy!


  8. It looks like fun on the boat and the breakfast at school looks so good!
    I have never had a seltzer before but I have seen them in the supermarket, I think I need to try some this summer.
    I have cut back on what I share about my girls now they are older. I haven’t heard the term sharenting until now though.


    1. Thank you! Both were great! If you like carbonated water I think you would like them.
      I am the same – I try not to share too much. I like that term!


    1. I really like it! I want to use summery smells now and then pick something different when the weather turns cooler. I have not been in a Body Shop in years and I think ours is gone?


    1. Oh, I hope you like it! I think the quality is pretty good for $7.49 and it feels more like J.Crew or JCFactory to me. I really like the colors!


  9. Loving all your summery outfits. Its so cold here in Australia as Winter has just started. Looking forward to many more post of warm days on your blog this season. Enjoy!


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