Wednesday, May 29, 2024

I thought I would do a chatty post today as if you and I are having coffee together. What do you think? I will wait. Go pour that fresh cup and even better if you froth up your creamer. I approve.

Yesterday was the last faculty meeting of the 23-24 school year and I took an emo selfie. Yes, two other Spanish teachers are sitting on either side of me, even though it looks like I am all alone. I’m debating writing a wrap up post on my 30th year but I really feel like I said too many words about this school year already. It was all the things. I loved the kids but the schedule was hard. Lots of things were hard this year, but lots of things were wonderful. See why I am not sure if I should wrap it up or not?

My kids got me this basket for Mother’s Day. They thought I could use it to take things out to the patio – my book, my phone, my candle, and whatever else.

My hydrangea never bloomed last year and I was sad. It’s already blooming this year and it makes me happy. It’s my favorite color of all hydrangeas – a periwinkle blue color. This is really special to me because it came from my childhood home. I think my parents moved from that house when I was 35 so this hydrangea would be 17 years old in my yard at least. My Dad dug it up and then planted it in my yard for me. It didn’t mean that much to me at the time but I thought it was a nice gesture. It has come to be very meaningful to me.

My friend Heather dropped off a piece of cake for me one day last week. It made me so happy. I need to do more of things like this! It was a good reminder that gestures don’t have to be crazy big and that the small things are really, really nice.

My kids made dinner for us last week, too. They did it all – the recipe finding, the Kroger shopping, and the cooking. It was a stir fry. It was really sweet in my last full week of school. They plan to do it again soon.

I’ve been drinking green tea and I really like it. I

If you are a tea drinker and don’t have an electric kettle, you need one!

This Facebook memory popped up of my kids in our hammock. I love this picture.

What would you tell me today over coffee?


25 thoughts on “Coffee Talk

  1. Those are my favorite color hydrangeas too but I do like them all– we were at a wedding shower once and they had some sage green with maroon trim variety that I had never seen before and they were lovely too. The pale blue/purple ones remind be of the beach though. If we were having coffee I’d talk about the million things I’m trying to squeeze in before Saturday and perhaps talk about all the new clothes I just got in…


    1. Same! I saw one bush yesterday with 3 different colors on it! I love that – sage green would be beautiful for a wedding color. Is Saturday your party? Delegate! I want to hear about all the new clothes, too!


  2. I love hydrangeas too – that periwinkle color is my favorite as well. So sweet that your boys made dinner and what a sweet gesture the piece of cake was. Honestly, it’s those sweet, small gestures that mean so much. You know your friend was thinking of you and to me that is the best!!!




    1. Isn’t that color so pretty! I am really into blues at this stage of my life I guess. It was so sweet and so fun to eavesdrop on their cooking talk! It was so sweet. It meant a lot to get a piece of cake and yes, that is how boring my life is – just kidding!


  3. I would talk to you about our hydrangeas, and how I wanted to dig them up this year because I thought they were dead. I’m so glad we didn’t do that, because they are thriving. It’s funny that I talked about my favorite flowers on my blog today as well! We have three of the smaller ones that are growing bigger each year: a blue, a pink, and one that has become a hybrid of both colors and that is now my favorite. That’s the one you keep seeing pics of; I can’t get enough!

    I would also talk about memories of years past, how quickly time flies, and how much I love this adult phase of life of our sons. I think mine are all concerned about me, and it seems like they’ve been extra sweet lately. Jonah hugged me for a long time yesterday, because he knows that Noah was my hugger, and that I miss that as much as I miss him. (And now I’d tell you that I just made myself cry, and then I’d make fun of myself. 🤣)

    These are my favorite types of posts, and again…great minds think alike, because mine feels similar today on my blog. Yay for the end of the school year and summer break! What are you doing today?


    1. Also, I’d confess to wanting to come visit and go to a rooftop pool with you. It’d be fun to float around and chat in person together!


    2. Oh – they grew and blended together! How cool! I wondered how you had a two -tone one. Give me all the hydrangea pics. You better believe I’m going to cut a few in the back and put them in a mason jar.
      Yes, to all of that. My kids are so intuitive about my feelings, too. That is the sweetest. I find I am pretty easy to tears lately, too, so don’t feel bad.
      We really did do similar posts! Thank you so much! I am just enjoying being at home! I don’t have anything on the calendar for today. It’s wonderful!


  4. Hydrangeas are my fave. We have a bush but I feel like the bloom every other year? Ours isn’t in the best spot. I’m so jealous of your school being over. I’m almost there but dragging.


    1. I hope this is the year it blooms! I think the weather plays a factor – like last year’s artic blast or whatever kept mine from blooming my friend said. I know that feeling. You’re almost there!


  5. Love the pic of the boys- so sweet. Best of luck wrapping up your school year- here is to an amazing summer for you!


  6. I love periwinkle hydrangeas! My grandmother used to have a brick planter on her back patio with pink hydrangeas. They loved that spot and bloomed like crazy! Costco was selling big pots of them a few months ago for a really reasonable price. They sold quickly!



    I love hydrangeas and have lots of them in our garden, but not in that gorgeous colour sadly. I went to the hairdresser today, which was a very necessity because I was full of glitters, and on my way back I got soaked by the rain…… I’m so tired of rain. It looks like I’d training for a year het on the Netherlands. Have a great evening.


    1. I love all the colors, though! This is my only bush. Oh no! We have had a nice stretch of no rain after lots of rain. I love being able to keep my patio cushions out when I know it’s not going to rain. I love the Netherlands but have only been to Amsterdam and Delft, I think.


  8. Wish I could fix that coffee, but I had a track and field’s day with my students all day long!

    Oh, those hydrangeas, I love them so much! Some of the neighbor’s here at the cottage have managed to make them survive our horrible winter, but no, unfortunately not I. It’s definitely one of my favorite flowers! Especially your periwinkle blue! So special that your father planted it!!

    Good idea with your boys making dinner like that! Daughters are all over the place, but I think that for five weeks in Florida they should make a dinner or two!

    A piece of cake? Yes please!


    1. Ha – you need water!
      Aren’t they so pretty? Wow! that’s amazing. I am cutting a few and bringing them inside to enjoy.
      I agree – they should cook in FL!
      I know – it was so nice. I bet you think American cake is too sweet! Oh, I need to work on that bakery list!


  9. I love the blue hydrangeas too! I don’t think they grow in Florida because of the heat, but I remember them from CT and Maine. We had our teacher luncheon today and found out our interim principal is coming back next year. He’s absolutely wonderful- very chill and respectful -and teachers cheered when it was announced! He came out of retirement last year after our principal, several admin members, and a teacher were arrested (for failing to report suspected child abuse). I have to prepare make-up semester exams for 12 students who didn’t show up this week! 12! And I’ll have more makeups because I have 2 more exams to give tomorrow. Most will fail because they won’t show up this summer for the make-up exam date. Im almost done packing up my classroom for the move. I’m excited for my new classroom. One more day!


    1. Maybe not? I think the color has to do with the acidity of the soil?
      Oh good news! That makes all the difference.
      Ugh – what a mess of your admin and so sorry about the makeups. I announced multiple times that if you didn’t show up if was a zero but they didn’t call me on it. If a parent whines I would have had to do a makeup. That’s how it works these days. Even my sister let her kid miss the last day of school. Stupid. You can go one more day. Parents are the worst!
      I’m excited for your new room! Happy Summer!


  10. The last faculty meeting…yea! Now it’s time to relax. That’s so cool that your guys cooked dinner. I’m looking forward to Grace cooking while she’s here. She’s more enthusiastic about it than I am! 😉


    1. Could have been an email! Ahhhhh! That is wonderful. Well, in your defense, you have had to do it for a long time. Hopefully she can revive your interest in it.


    1. don’t give up! That is a good sign. Sometimes mine doesn’t bloom til late June. I think elementary needs more time – high school rooms are easier!


  11. That was a fun post! I’d be sure to grab a diet pepsi for our chat. I am so excited for you to be on summer break. We have 9 more student days and it’s not going very quickly. I love the picture of your boys on the hammock. Enjoy your patio reading tomorrow morning!!


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