Monday, June 17, 2024

It’s Monday and that means it’s time for the Hello Monday link up with Sarah and Holly.! I always enjoy seeing what other bloggers did over the weekend. Sometimes I even steal some ideas for myself.

How was your weekend? Mine felt long because Tom was off for four days! I didn’t find out that he was taking off Thursday and Friday until the last minute but I was so happy. He hasn’t taken a weekday off since Christmas break and even got an email saying he was going to lose some PTO if he didn’t use it. He’s been so busy at work with bids due and just didn’t feel like he could afford to take time off. But, the stars aligned and it worked out.

So, Thursday morning, his birthday gift was my trip to the salon! Did you think I was going to cancel my hair appointment?

This is the face of someone who takes it seriously:

I came home and I told him the rest of the time was his! He chose a taco place for lunch:

We came home and then went back out for dinner with the whole fam at a Cuban place! Mexican and Cuban in one day!

I split this lechon asado (roasted pork) with Mason:

And, he picked Graeter’s for dessert and ended up with two cones because someone couldn’t finish and Tom does not let ice cream go to waste!

Real Talk: We are both really disillusioned by restaurant meals. We want to go out for the outing and to give me a break from cooking, but geez Louise. The prices are so high and the food is just meh at many of the places we have gone to lately. Are you feeling the same? Does this mean we are old and grumpy?

Friday morning I ran to the library while Tom did an errand – he had a good mix of productivity and down time, I think.

I loved the library’s summer book display:

Tom’s birthday and father’s day are always so close together. The kids and I shopped last week and he got two new Under Armour workout “outfits” – two shirts and two pairs of short, this “snackle box”:

and a hat from The Bear that says “yes chef”. He liked all of his gifts and he got two on his birthday and two on father’s day.

Friday afternoon after his errands, we took Eddie Otis to the cove and taught him to use the doggy ramp:

He was really cautious at first, but then jumped in and got the hang of using it to get back on the boat. His life jacket is still too big!

Tom ate from his snackle box and I wasn’t really hungry.

Tom and EO took a little nap and I got to read. I was so relaxed!

Sweet baby:

Saturday morning porch vibes: I start everyday outside and can usually get Mason to come out.

We piddled around on Saturday and I never left the house in my car! I just took a couple of walks.

The kids and I did make a father’s day cake for Tom and it cracked when we stacked the layers. I tried to keep it together. I think we didn’t let it cool long enough, but it tasted great!

I made a nice dinner of caprese chicken with bow tie pasta but didn’t take a photo!

Sunday morning we took Tom to a brunch buffet at the marina:

It was super hot so we decided to stay in the AC to eat and then go home to the AC. No boating for us on Sunday.

Before it got too hot, I did read outside with my fan going:

And, then the whole fam gathered in the basement to rent the movie Amsterdam because Tom wanted to see it. Eddie Otis has only been to the basement twice now. He took a nice little nap while we watched.

Tom thought he needed ice in his dog wash after they took a hot afternoon walk:

For father’s day dinner, Tom wanted BLTs, corn on the cob, and green beans, so that was easy enough!

We have a hot week ahead of us it seems. It looks like it will be 92-95 degrees with no rain in the forecast and this is not the norm for June. We have been so spoiled with cooler weather so far, though, so I guess we can’t complain.

What was the highlight of your weekend?



38 thoughts on “Hello Monday

  1. You’re weekly forecast sounds like ours! It looks like a wonderful father’s day weekend and how fun that it got to be a long weekend. I am loving that summer book display too.


  2. Our weather is about to heat up as well. I liked the 80 degree with a slight breeze we’ve been having but it is about to depart! I feel the same about eating out now days. We went out last Friday and the food was expensive and just meh. So disappointing! Anyway, y’all have a great week and stay cool–


  3. What a great weekend! I know what you mean about restaurants, it can be so disappointing. We have a few places we rely on but a lot of the time I am happy to cook.

    Glad that Tom had a 4 day weekend – it was like Tomapalooza with his birthday and Father’s Day!!

    We had a nice weekend, nothing too special but enjoyable!




  4. Yes, the heat is coming, so at least we got 2 nice weeks of June! As long as the humidity doesn’t stay so high, maybe it will be bearable? I am just tyring to stay positive! I enjoyed a Saturday with my daughter. Enjoy your Monday!


    1. I bet we will get nice weather again before the heat of July and August! Yes, I think if there is a breeze it’s not too bad. You know what – I’m gonna stay off my weather app and just be positive! Oh, that’s so nice!


  5. We feel the same about restaurant prices and just ok food. We love getting out on the weekends to eat out but on many occasions we leave thinking we could have made better food at home and saved money! It has been very hot and humid in South Texas but we are supposed to have a chance of rain from a tropical disturbance the Gulf. We need sll the rain we can get! Hope the high temps don’t last too long in your area.


  6. Yes, it’s going to be hot here too. Yesterday clouded up and the temp was only 83 but it was like walking through soup outside, it got sop humid! My husband is continually annoyed that we still live in Florida. LOL. Maybe not for too many more years though. Looks like a nice weekend!


  7. What a fun weekend! Agree with you on restaurants- feel like everything is like that right now! Hope Tom enjoyed his Father’s Day! We are getting ready for a heat wave here too!


  8. Oh, how nice! A lot of family time! I also have my birthday and mother’s day quite close (different dates over here) and my birthday weekend was very similar to yours: a lot of family time, ice-cream, boating… The best!

    I agree about the restaurants! Over here most restaurants have good lunch prices mon-fri, so that’s what we mostly do. US was cheap for us before, but now the Swedish currency is weak, so… But we have agreed to eat out at least one evening every week this time!


      1. I will definitely tell you! We were worried about food prices last year, but it actually wasn’t that bad, no worse than in Sweden. Has it calmed down? I mean coffee and butter has been so expensive over here!


      2. I guess it’s all about perspective and coming from Stockholm, you will probably be fine. Did you write down my bakeries? Can you get a blog for summer because I want to know your shopping, your meals, what you do daily, and more! I think coffee and butter are quite reasonable right now. I get 4 sticks of butter for $3 and change. Coffee if you buy it by the grounds is about $7 for a big canister.


  9. Super hot here too right now. Ugh. Summer is not my favorite at all.

    We rarely eat out at this point because the food is just not that great for the price. It’s more of the “experience” to go meet Scott for lunch or something for the kids. Yesterday we had take-out. I know it’s not worth the money but it does save time and clean-up! I’m tracking groceries super closely this summer to see how much we spend and to eliminate waste!


    1. I know! I wish summer break had fall weather! I agree – that’s the case. I am really trying to eliminate food waste and sometimes that means shopping a couple of times a week. I’m so freaking proud of myself when I get to the bottom of the produce drawer. I signed up for Walmart plus and I don’t want that to be an excuse to buy more.


  10. Something you said about restaurants and being disillusioned about them strikes me. I feel like this is the reason why we always go to the same restaurants; we know we love the food, the service is excellent, and the prices are fair. They’re not fancy or trendy or new, but it’s why we keep going time after time. I’m thinking our beloved La Perla Tapatia, our favorite taco truck Taco-n-ganas, and a few others ones we frequent depending on where we are. I love to see EO in his life vest and on that ramp! He’s the sweetest little buddy. I’m so glad Tom had a great birthday weekend, I love his gifts!


    1. And we do, too, but sometimes we want to try something different.
      It’s so cute seeing his little body in the life jacket. He is becoming a greqt little companion – except for the biting! It’s hard to feel close to someone who bites you. Hahahaha


  11. What a great four days! I love that Tom loves the snackle box! EO in the life jacket will never not be cute. Our a/c is currently on the fritz & it’s 82 degrees in my house 😵‍💫new a/c tomorrow hopefully. Adulting is so fun


    1. It was low key and nice! I agree – sorry for all the life jacket photos. I am loving the snackle box for a “salad bar”. Everyone has been enjoying more make your own salads.
      I am so sorry you went through the AC thing!


  12. I agree on the restuarants. We have a few we like for the quality/prices, but often we are disappointed or shocked by the bill. EO is just so cute!


  13. I am *continually* disappointed in restaurants….i hate it b/c I love the *idea* of going out but then am so disappointed in the food….most of the kids choose a home-meal for their birthdays.
    will have to look into that doggie ramp. We DID go out Sunday and took the new puppy with us. I think he liked it! Still had to pick up all 35 lbs of him to get on and off though.
    love the family time you had. Have a great week!


    1. You said it! I feel the same. That brand is no longer made Tom said, but I’m sure you could find something on Ebay or another brand? I think EO is also going to be about 35 when we go to vet on Friday. He is solid!


  14. I feel like every restaurant is just so so. Service is so so and the food prices are ridiculous. I probably cook 5 to 6 nights a week and we usually go out one night. And that’s usually to our favorite Mexican restaurant here in town. Prices are even higher over at our beach house.


  15. The snackle box is genius and such a fun idea for a gift. I agree that restaurant prices have risen so high, but I try to tell myself there are lots of jobs dependent on the money. I think everyone has suffered in the last few years from rising prices. The bad thing is they never go back down.

    It seems like Eddie Otis is definitely a boating dog! Your weekend seemed like a wonderful way to celebrate your husband!


    1. I found it to work well for a “salad bar” yesterday, too! I agree – I want to support our locally owned restaurants and that’s why I go.
      I think he is a boat dog! Thank you!


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